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Students in grades Gimel (3rd) through Zayin (7th) receive  credit for attending Shabbat services throughout the school year.

Kitah Gimel (3rd): 8 Shabbat services


February 11, 2024

Judaic Studies- Hi Gimel Families!

This week we studied Abraham taking his son, Isaac, up to Mount Moriah as he was told.  We took it piece by piece and your children asked the best questions.  Please ask your child how we made connections to the blowing of the shofar which we are taught calls us to remember the commandments. The class also looked up what ancient swords and blades looked like in ancient times and discussed how they were used as weapons and tools.   

Hebrew-  Shalom Parents,

In Gimel class we reviewed the letter Pey, sister letter Fey and the Final Fey, together with their vocabulary words. We learnt the letter Zayin, and an additional vowel that makes the Oh sound. Zayin vocabulary words are Zahav (gold) and Zikaron (memory).

February 4, 2024

Hi Gimel Families!

Judaic Studies- We had a great class this past Sunday!  We read and discussed the story of Abraham taking Issaac up Mt. Moriah as he was told to do.  We found a lot to break down so we took it piece by piece and your children asked the best questions! We made connections to many things such as - the blowing of the shofar which we are taught calls us to remember the commandments. The class also took time to look up what ancient swords and blades looked like in ancient times and discussed how they were used as both weapons and tools.   

This coming Sunday is the World Wide Wrap!  Please join your child, the school and Temple Israel.

Hebrew- Students worked on  Tiyulim - Lesson 20, which introduced the letter Pey/Fey/Final Fey and new vocabulary words.  Then the class talked about the Baha’i Temple and Aliyah Bet Museum.

At the end of class, students played Hangman with vocabulary words from Lessons 15-20.

January 28, 2024

Hi Gimel Families,

We had a super fun lesson this past Sunday and sweets to go along with it.  As a class we read and discussed the Tower of Babel sharing ideas of pride and objects becoming more important than people. We also shared thoughts on how hard it would have been to talk with someone who didn't speak our same language as happened in the story of the Tower of Babel. This idea bridged over to our everyday life - times when we may not know someone or find that we may not have a lot in common with someone we will need to work with.

Our class had a lot of fun getting hands on to better understand how the people of Babel would have felt to not be able to communicate with each other:  Our class separated into 4 groups and each was not allowed to speak to one another at any time during the first part of the project.  They were given kosher marshmallows and toothpicks.  Their assignment was to build a tower at least 3 stories high. They had to build only one tower per group without a plan and they found it was much harder to work together then they thought it would be!  The second time each group had time to plan and work together as they built and there were lots of laughs and marshmallows for all.   This was so much fun!  Please ask your child what they thought of this project.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

January 21, 2024

Hebrew- Students continues working through the Tiyulim book, learning the remaining letters and vowels of the Alephbet. We hope to have co vered everything byu the end of the semester.

January 7, 2024

The Gimel class spent a double period today preparing for their Class Shabbat on January 19.

December 10

Judaic Studies-  Today we moved on in our study of the Jewish life cycle by examining the point in a child’s life when their parents set them on their Jewish learning journey, Consecration. Students completed a chart that helped them remember when and how they learned important skills and knowledge; how to say please and thank you, how to tie their shoes, how to do their multiplication tables etc.  We then also looked at when they did their first Jewish learning, when they learned the Shema, the Four Questions, Hatikvah, and when they began Hebrew School. We discovered that we usually experience Consecration around the same time we begin our formal secular education, in preschool or kindergarten.  Finally, the students experienced what it used to be like to begin learning the Hebrew alphabet. Ask your student about the role of honey and sweetness in this exercise.

December 3, 2023


Shalom Parents,

In Gimel class this past week we went over the letters Yud & Ayin and vocabulary words associated with them. We also learned about the Shoorook vowel, making the oo sound.

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Limor


November 12

Judaic Studies -

Hi Gimel Families,

The Gimel class had a fantastic Sunday!  This week we read and discussed the story of Cain and Abel.  Our discussion focused on the feelings of jealousy and sibling rivalry.  We shared times that we may have felt jealous of a friend or a sibling and how we dealt with those feelings.  Our discussion then turned to times we have planned an action and a different outcome then we expected was the result.  Your children are so insightful when thinking back to those times and how they learned to try to think their actions through.

For the final part of class we separated into groups of three.  Each group had a chance to plan and then to act out a skit.  For the first skit they came up with a situation where they act without thinking about consequences.  Then the second one they did the same skit but how their found a better solution.    It was so fun watching each group act!!!  Ask your child which group they were in and how they decided to act it out.  What an amazing class!

Next week we are going to focus our lesson of Noah and the Ark.  I cannot wait to hear all of the amazing ideas and discussions we will have!


Hebrew - 

Shalom Parents,

This past week in Kitah Gimel we covered the letters Lamed and Daley, and the Chirik vowel which makes the Ee sound.

Shabbat Shalom

November 5

Hi Gimel Families,

We had a fantastic week this past Sunday!  We are continuing on our journey through the Book of Genesis.  This week our discussion centered around the Garden of Eden.  The wonderful part about this lesson is taking the time to go through and discuss everything Adam and Eve would have seen….even what a snake with arms and legs may look like).   After the discussion the class had a great grasp of why Adam and Eve may have been tempted to eat from a forbidden tree when they had everything they could want around them.  We even made connections to our own experiences when there is something we are told we can’t have and that becomes the thing we may want the most.  I love how insightful your children are and how the questions they ask can allow for both a challenge and further discussion.  You all should be a group of very proud parents!

For next week we will be continuing our exploration of the Book of Genesis.  I really can’t wait!

Please feel free to reach out at any time.

Morah Ilene

October 22, 2023

Judaic Studies  - 

Hi Gimel Families,

Wow!  What an awesome job all did on their Siddur covers!  It was so nice to see you all and amazing to be a part of your family education class.  

Next week our class will dive into our study of the Book of Genesis.  I will keep you updated each week as we move through our studies. 

Please note our class Shabbat date: January 19, 2024!

Have a great week!

Morah Ilene



The class continues to go through the Tiyulim book, working on blending letters and vowels as they work on their reading skills.


October 15, 2023

Judaic Studies-

Hi Gimel Families!

It was so nice to get back into the swing of our normal Hebrew school schedule this week! 

Our class had a chance to look over and read the foreword of the book we will use to learn all about the first book of the Torah, Genesis.  It was so great when they shared what they already know and what they are excited to learn about. 

This coming Sunday we will get started on our Judaic Studies learning journey as we learn and study Bereishit.  I can’t wait for them to tell you all about it If you have any questions as we progress through the year, please contact me at

Morah Ilene


Hebrew - 

Gimel - Shalom Parents,

In our Gimel class we went over the letters Shin, Bet, and Tav, and the vowels Kamatz and Patach (both making the Ah sound). We also introduced vocabulary starting with the letters learned.

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Limor

May 7, 2023

Judaic Studies:

Hi Gimel Parents!

This past Sunday we completed our Shabbat unit.

As we talked, one of the topics that came up again and again is family – having time with family, eating dinner with family and just being together.  So to reinforce their interest, each student had a chance to decorate a Shabbat box and fill it with questions and conversation starters that all can enjoy.  Your children were so excited to make and bring this home to be able to share all they know.  I hope you enjoy using these together as much as we enjoyed decorating them.   The best part – you can add more questions as you go!!

I can’t believe we are coming to the end of the school year but I can tell you how much I have enjoyed having your children in class!   I am looking forward to our last class together!!

Morah Ilene



Students  continued to sharpen their Hebrew reading skills and increase their reading fluency of tefillot (prayers). They specifically worked on the blessing for an aliyah to the Torah and the Friday night kiddush. Some students also worked with partners and quizzed each other with flash cards of words commonly used in prayers.

April 30, 2023

Judaic Studies:

Hi Gimel families!

We had a great Sunday class this past week.  We started our Shabbat project and I can’t wait for you to see them!  We then took the time to go over all the parts of Genesis which we have covered and then kept going.  Your students wanted to discuss what happened after the Jewish people left Egypt and made their way through the desert.  They had the best questions to help them better understand the ‘why and how’ of events.  Please ask them what they learned about the exodus from Egypt to Mt. Sinai and beyond. 

I can’t wait to see your children this Sunday and finish our projects.



Shalom Parents,


This past week we started our end of the year Hebrew assessment process and spent most of our class time preparing for that.  Some of our students had a chance to continue with our Mitkadem program for a few minutes.


Shabbat Shalom,


April 23, 2023

 Hi Gimel Families!

This week the Gimel students had a lively discussion on Shabbat.  Your students shared their knowledge of the Shabbat prayers, what makes this day different than the other days of the week and what it means to them.   We then broke into groups and made lists about the different ways families observe the Sabbath, and then compared our lists.  The final conclusion, of the student led discussion, was that there is more than one way to observe and celebrate Shabbat and what connects us more than anything else is being Jewish.  It was a moment every parent would have been proud to hear!   Please ask your child their favorite part of Shabbat!

Next week, we will continue our lesson on Shabbat with a fun project they can use with the whole family! 


Hebrew - 

Shalom Parents,

This past week we continued our work in Mitkadem, spending more time with our Shorashim/Roots, and what we add to them in order to create words.

Shabbat Shalom!

March 26, 2023

Judaic Studies:

Kitah Gimel Families,

We had a great class this past Sunday! We continued our journey through the Book of Genesis this week and focused on the stories of Joseph.   When learning about Joseph and his brothers we shared that we could all understand feeling jealous as Joseph’s brothers did when they felt Joseph was the favorite child but were very surprised at how far his brothers were willing to go!

We also discussed the dreams Joseph was able to decipher for both Pharoah and Pharoah’s cup bearer.  Ask your child about Pharoah’s dream and what Joseph said it meant.  We took a few moments to share some of the crazy ideas we have had.  Once the story was over we discussed why Joseph was able to decipher Pharoah’s dream when no one else had been able to.  Please ask your child what their favorite parts were.

After next Sunday’s lesson we will be ready to really celebrate the holiday of Passover. 




Shalom Parents,

Continuing our work in Mitkadem. Seeing more and more examples of prefixes and suffixes, and how to recognize them. Strong emphasis this week on using our Aleph-Bet/Vowel sheets when reading. So proud of both Gimel classes for working so hard and being so excited about getting things done in Mitkadem.

Happy Pesach to all!


March 12, 2023

Judaic Studies:

Hi Kitah Gimel families,

This past Sunday we continued our journey through the Book of Genesis and discussed Jacob and Esau.  Our focus was learn about and follow the story of Jacob when he marries both Leah and Rachel.  The students loved discussing these stories since the focus was on tricks.   We discussed if we had ever played tricks on anyone before and how we felt when tricks were played on us.   We made connections with Jacob when he tricked his father and then again when Jacob was tricked by Laban.  I cannot even express how excited I am when the students lead our conversations and how deep they go.  Please ask your child to tell you about these stories and the connections they made.

Next week we will continue talking about Jacob and how he made his way home to reconcile with his brother Esau.  I cannot wait to hear their thoughts!

Please feel free to reach out to me at any time.   



Shalom Parents,

This past week we discussed specific prefixes and suffixes, and how when we add them + vowels to the shoresh (root) we can create words. We also identified some Shorashim and their meaning. 

February 26, 2023

Hi gimel families!

It was so wonderful to see all of the kids again this past Sunday after our week off!!   We didn’t waste any time and jumped right back into the Book of Genesis.

This week we started class by reading and discussing Rebecca at the well and the importance of kindness.  We discussed how we show kindness to ourselves, friends, family, and to animals in our homes, neighborhood and community.  Rebecca shows herself to not only be kind to the people around her but kind to animals as well.  

We learned that Abraham wanted to make sure his son, Isaac, would be happy with a family of his own.   We had a lot of fun with this discussion and all of the questions and ideas your children had on how they would feel if they were in Isaac or Rebecca’s shoes.

We also started talking about Rebecca and Isaac’s children, Jacob and Esau.  The students loved discussing them and many shared if they had ever played tricks on anyone before and how we felt when tricks were played on us.   We shared times we may have regretted making impulsive decisions even though they seem right at the time.   Sometimes it is so hard to keep focus on the larger picture!!! Please ask your child what their favorite part of learning about Rebecca, Jacob and Esau was.

I can’t wait to see them again next week!  

February 5, 2023

 Judaic Studies:

Hi Gimel Families,

We had a very green class this past Sunday!  Our class discussed the holiday of Tu B’Shvat  – when it is, what it is, why it is important and how we celebrate were our themes of the day.   We made connections to Tu B’Shvat by thinking about days we focus on trees and the environment in both our own daily lives and during the year.   Please ask them to share all they learned about our wonderful holiday!  Next Sunday we dive right back into Genesis and some great projects.   

Please reach out if you have any questions.



Shalom Parents,

This past week we introduced the Mitkadem Hebrew program and helped familiarize the students with it. We are starting this program on Ramah (level) 3, as this is the first Ramah after students learned to read and write. This Ramah introduces new vocabulary, roots, prefixes and suffixes that are new to the students,  which will help them with understanding the tefillot they are learning. I am very excited about this program, especially since it allows for individual progress in line with each child’s learning style and capabilities.

We also discussed the first activity in this Ramah - reasons we want/need to learn Hebrew.

During the week, students will continue to work on increasing the fluency with which they read Hebrew and will work on their Hebrew writing skills.

Shabbat Shalom

January 29, 2023

Hi Gimel Families,

It was so wonderful to see so many of our Gimel families at our Class Shabbat Celebration this past Friday.  What amazing heroes your children are!

This week we read about and discussed The Sad Tale of Sodom.  Your children are so intuitive and deep in their thought process which makes discussion so much fun to have.  While reading, the class made the observation that what we read can be very dramatic while also teaching us lessons.  We talked about what connections we could make to our parsha, what captured our attention and what we could take away and learn from each story.  Please take a moment to ask your child some of these questions from this past week’s discussions:

Why did God tell Abraham to name his son Isaac?  What does the name Isaac mean?  Why did God save Lot and his family from the city of Sodom? Why was Lot’s wife turned into a rock of salt?

I hope these questions spur some discussion while they share all of their knowledge!

TIRS would love to have all parents come and share our start of our TIRS day in the sanctuary this Sunday, February 5th at 9:30am.  After Shira/Tefillah all students will go to class while the parents are welcome to stay and enjoy a yummy nosh and coffee at the PTO meeting.  The class with the most parents in attendance will receive a special snack for the day.  Hope you can make it!

As always, please contact me if you have any questions.  Morah Ilene


January 22, 2o23

Hi Gimel Families,

As we work through our lessons the Gimel class has also been discussing Jewish American Heroes.  We learned about the lives and struggles of famous Jewish Americans and how they became an inspiration for all.   This led us to ask ‘what are the qualities which make a hero’ and ‘what hero qualities do I have’.    I asked each student to tell me one thing that they feel makes them a hero.  The list they put together was amazing and there is no doubt they will change the world as all good heroes do!!    We decided that being a hero is so much more fun when we each choose a great Jewish hero name!!  While I would love to tell you all about our class heroes – they will have to show you themselves at the Gimel Shabbat on January 27th.  

It will be a wonderful evening.

January 8, 2023

Judaic Studies

Hi Gimel Families,

I hope everyone had fun, safe and restful break.  The Gimel class had a great start back this past Sunday.  Our class discussed Jewish American Heroes.  We learned about people such as Harry Houdini, Steven Spielberg, and Albert Einstein - their lives and struggles as Jewish Americans and how they became inspirations for all.  As we talked, the Gimel class defined what qualities we feel make up a hero and the hero qualities we possess…it was so fun!   Being a hero is no fun unless you have a great Jewish hero name!!  While I would love to tell you what our class hero names are – they will have to show you themselves at the Gimel Shabbat which will be on Friday, January 27th.

I look forward to seeing your children on the 22nd as we continue to explore how each of us can change the world by being our own Jewish superhero.

Please reach out if you have any questions. 

Reminder – NO SCHOOL on January 15 


Shalom Parents,

This past week we went over the letters Zayin, Gimel, Kuf, Tzadi and sister-letter Final Tsadi.  We also learned new vocabulary associated with these letters.  This concludes our Tiyulim book. Next, students will either be working on their reading speed and also beginning Mitkadem – our Self paced Hebrew program which focuses on Tefillot.

Shabbat Shalom

December 11, 2022

Judaic Studies:

Our class learned the story of how Abram and Sarai left their home to follow God’s command to move to a new place. Their nephew, Lot came with them. Along the way their flocks grew too large to be encamped together and many arguments developed between Abram’s and Lot’s workers. Abram spoke with Lot and suggested they split, with Lot choosing first where he wanted to go. 

Our discussion centered on the Jewish value of Shalom Bayit, peace in the home. Some ideas expressed were that Abram was acting fairly in giving Lot the first choice of land since the split was Abram’s idea. Others felt Lot was being selfish in taking the best land for himself. We further talked about how we keep Shalom Bayit in our own homes and other places like school. It was decided that it isn’t always easy to keep peace, but it is worth it to try. 


Gimel – Shalom Gimel Parents,

This past Sunday we talked about the letter Pey, sister-letter Fey, and the Final Fey.  We introduced the Pey vocabulary words and played "Hangman".

Wishing all of you a happy Festival of Lights.

December 4, 2022

Judaic Studies:

Hi Gimel Families!

After a nice Thanksgiving break it was great to see all of your children on Sunday!  We had a super fun lesson this week learning about the Tower of Babel.  We discussed the ideas detailed in the story - pride and objects becoming more important than people.  We shared thoughts on how hard it would have been to talk with someone who didn't speak our same language as happened in the story. These ideas led us to find how we can connect what happens in our everyday lives such as times when we may not know someone or find that we may not have a lot in common with someone we will need to work with.  The Gimel class shared things they are proud of in their lives as well as thoughts about how too much pride can make it hard to have good communication with friends.  The insights your children have always blows me away!

For our hands on project - I partnered up groups who were not allowed to talk to each other at all. The only instruction given was to build one tower out either Jenga pieces or dominos.  They had a great time trying to build together; however, they were frustrated that they weren’t able to build the best structure possible.  Each student shared that their finished tower was nothing like they had envisioned in the beginning.

On the second run each group were allowed to plan, discuss and build their structures again. They definitely found it easier to discuss and plan so they could have the same idea rather than trying to put guess what others wanted to do.  Their towers were higher and they used other materials to make it something they all wanted.  

I look forward to seeing the Gimel class next week!

Morah Ilene



Shalom Parents,

In the last couple of weeks, we covered the following letters:  Chet, Samech, and the sister letter Sin.  We went over vocabulary words for these letters, as well as the vowels Shuruk (oo sound), and the Kamatz Katan (oh sound).

We learned about the port city Haifa, located in the northern part of Israel, and introduced names of facial parts - Ayin/Eye, Ozen/Ear, Af/Nose, and Peh/Mouth.

Shabbat Shalom!

November 13, 2022

Hi Kitah Gimel Families,

The Kitah Gimel class had a fantastic Sunday!  This week we read and discussed the story of Cain and Abel.  Our discussion focused on the feelings of jealousy and sibling rivalry.  We shared times that we may have felt jealous of a friend or a sibling and how we dealt with those feelings.  Our discussion then turned to times we have planned an action and a different outcome then we expected was the result.  Your children are so insightful when thinking back to those times and how they learned to try to think their actions through.

For the final part of class we separated into groups of three.  Each group had a chance to plan and then to act out a skit.  For the first skit they came up with a situation where they act without thinking about consequences.  Then the second one they did the same skit but how their found a better solution.    It was so fun watching each group act!!!  Ask your child which group they were in and how they decided to act it out.  What an amazing class!

Next week we are going to focus our lesson of Noah and the Ark.  I cannot wait to hear all of the amazing ideas and discussions we will have!

Please feel free contact me at any time!

October 30, 2022

Judaic Studies

I hope all of the kids and families enjoyed the Gimel Family Education Siddur cover project!

Now that the holidays are over, the class looked at what our journey through the first book of Torah will be like.  We started with a “what we already know“ session where students had the chance to list all of the things they knew about the story of creation.  We then took turns reading and sharing thoughts and found we were able to add so much to our list.  I am so proud of all of the students, how they shared their thoughts and for how they asked so many great questions.

This is going to be a great journey through the Book of Genesis!

Now that we are studying the first book of Torah, each week I will send a separate email with the next week’s portion we will be covering.  This is a great way for the class to come in with questions to further discussions and ensures we have time for projects and hands on learning.

Please let me know if you have any questions.





Shalom Parents,

This past week we introduced the letters Nun (+Final Nun), Hey, Reish, and the sister-letter Vet.  Vowels for this week are Tsereh & Segol, both making the Eh sound.  We added vocabulary words for these letters, and we played a fun and interactive vocabulary matching game.  We also watched a video about Ein Gedi, an oasis and a nature preserve near the Dead Sea.

Shabbat Shalom


October 23, 2022

Judaic Studies - Sunday was the Gimel family education program. Thank you to all the parents who helped decorate siddur covers.  Your kids are going to be so excited to receive their siddur with these beautiful covers that you helped decorate.

Hebrew -

Shalom Parents,

It was lovely to see you today in our Gimel Family Education program!  Our students had a fabulous time decorating a cover for their Siddur, and it was great to see everyone getting creative and working together.

In our Hebrew class, we reviewed all the vowels we know so far, and introduced the vowel Shva - the shortest sound of any of the vowels.  We also introduced the letter Aleph, Aleph vocabulary words, and discussed a couple of important places in Israel - The Dead Sea and Masada.  

Wishing all of you a Shabbat Shalom!

October 16, 2022

This past Sunday the class talked about the final holiday of the High Holiday season, Simchat Torah. The class talked about Simchat Torah to gain a better understanding of why the Torah is read from the beginning to the end each year. We talked about what the name of the holiday means (rejoicing with the Torah), talked about Hakafot (during the service we dance with the Torah seven times because we should be “happy” with the Torah!   Each dance is called a “hakafah” and seven different times, people hold the Torah scrolls and dance around in circles around the synagogue and sometimes outside. We also reviewed the names of the 5 books of the Torah. Ask your child if he/she remembers the names of these books. Looking forward to seeing you at the family education program this Sunday.

Sunday, October 9

Hi Gimel families!

I hope all had a very meaningful High Holidays.  We dove right back into Hebrew school this week and had a fantastic class!  This week we learned about the holiday of Sukkot.   The class first discussed all of the items we may find in a sukkah and then used this information to discover what sukkot means, the symbols associated with this holiday and why we celebrate.  Then the discussion turned to what we do inside the sukkah and what items we would need and the rules on how a sukkah should be built.  Please ask them all the ways they learned!      

It was a really great part of our class to discuss the idea of a sukkah being a temporary home.  The class listed all of the temporary types of homes they could think of and we related those back to the sukkah we build and use today.

We imagined what it would be like to look up at the stars at night just as the Jewish people coming out of Egypt would have done.   We then had a chance to learn each plant that goes into making the lulav.  We also learned the prayer that is said before shaking the lulav and etrog together.  Please ask them to tell you about each and part of the lulav and how we hold the etrog.


I will not be in class next week but a wonderful substitute will be working with the Gimel class and will be learning about the holiday of Simchat Torah. 

Please save the date of October 23rd and get excited for the Gimel class family education program!



Moadim L'Simcha!

This past week we looked at the Israeli map and discussed The Old City in Jerusalem.  We also introduced/reviewed the letters Bet and Tav, and the vocabulary words associated with them.

Shabbat Shalom

First day of TIRS is SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11!

Judaic Studies

Gimel Families,

It was so wonderful to meet your children, my amazing Gimel students, this past Sunday.  We had a great time getting to know each other and sharing what each hoped we would learn this year.  The class then decided on what the rules for our class would be so we could meet our goals and have the best time each week.  Our lesson this week was on the upcoming Rosh Hashanah High Holiday.  They shared all they know about Rosh Hashanah – and it was a lot!!   We talked about the New Year, what priorities mean and how this is a perfect time to check in with ourselves to see if our actions are in line with the priorities we have set for the New Year.  

With all of the above knowledge in our back pocket, our project this week was “New Ways for the New Year.”  We talked about what it means to establish priorities and how they relate to Rosh Hashanah.  Each student had a list of priorities with additional blank boxes so they could add their own as well.  They then arranged their priorities in order with the most important one, to them, on the top.  They didn’t have to share their priorities if they chose not to and found that after some thought – many changed the order of what they felt were the most important.  We agreed that this is a great way to check in with ourselves again in a month, six months or anytime we want to see if our priorities are the same and what we can do to be the best we can be.  Please ask your child about this insightful project. 

Next week we will be discussing Yom Kippur, what it means and how it relates directly to each student.  I cannot wait for your children to share all they learn with you!

Shabbat Shalom and see you Sunday! 

Morah Ilene


Shalom Gimel Parents,

What a wonderful first week! We came up with our Hebrew classroom rules, got to know one another including our wonderful Madrichim, Rachel and Jake. We also spent some time assessing where each student is, so we have a good baseline of where to start. Finally, we introduced the letter Shin, and the Shin vocabulary words Shalom & Shabbat, as well as the three vowels which make the Ah sound (Chataf, Kamatz, and Chataf-Patach).

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Limor.


Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785