The Illustrated Torah
The Illustrated Torah
The Illustrated Torah, created with the gifted hand of Israeli artist, Michal Meron, is a beautiful, hand-painted scroll that represents the stories within the 54 weekly parshot of our traditional Torah through highlighted texts and vibrant images. You can feel it, interact with it, experience it and learn from it.
Reserve your place in Temple Israel’s history. Purchase a pasuk (verse), aliyah or parsha corresponding to a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, anniversary, birthday or any other simcha. Or purchase an entire book.
This project presents the opportunity to commemorate the special moments in your life with an enduring reminder of these events mounted on the wall of our synagogue. You can participate every year and sponsor at any level as an individual or a group – extended families, B’nai Mitzvah, confirmation or graduation classes, committees, auxiliary groups, businesses, and more.
Become a part of Temple Israel’s Illustrated Torah and our community for generations to come. The proceeds from this effort will support the ongoing operational needs of the Temple.
The names of both donor(s) and individual(s) honored or remembered and the reason for dedication will be acknowledged in the appropriate section of a lovely, leather-bound recognition book. In addition, all donors will be recognized in the TI Insider, the Shabbat Announcements and Kol Yisrael. Acknowledgement cards will be sent to donors and honorees.
To complete online order form, click here.
Sample wording for Book/10 Commandment sponsorships:
David & Rebecca Levy Commemorate
The Birth of Their Children
Jacob Benjamin & Sarah Michelle
August 6, 2011
Sample wording for Parsha sponsorships:
Joseph, Sarah and Frank Cohen
Remember Their Grandfather,
Bernard Cohen – May 24, 2015
Sample wording for Aliyah and Pasuk sponsorships:
Bill and Debbie Pierce Honor Country Day
Graduate Samantha Pierce – June, 2014
Click here to view photos of each Parsha.
Wed, February 12 2025
14 Shevat 5785