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Shalom Park Social Action Projects

The Shalom Park Campus offers a unique opportunity for Jewish Agencies to jointly support childhood education, refugee assistance, environmental concerns, and the homeless through the following programs:


2011, kindergarten through fifth grade scholars from Huntingtowne Farms and Sterling Elementary, the two schools in faith-based partnerships with Temple Israel and Temple Beth El, have been attending Shalom Park Freedom School. This six-week Literacy Summer Enrichment Program provides scholars from economically disadvantaged households an opportunity to prevent summer reading loss and build character through afternoon enrichment programs. “Summer slide” is the largest contributor to the achievement gap for low-income children. With eight Shalom Park Partner agencies engaging in tikkun olam (improving our world), we are helping children in our community become self-sufficient through closing the literacy achievement gap. Flexible volunteer opportunities available for tweens, teens and adults from reading buddies, to a teen advisory board, afternoon enrichment leaders, and board positions.


For more information visit


Partner agencies: Charlotte Jewish Day School, Foundation of Shalom Park, Jewish Family Services, Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte, Levine JCC, Levine-Sklut Judaic Library, Temple Beth El and Temple Israel




The Jewish Community Refugee Initiative (JCRI) is a lay-driven initiative whose mission is to educate the Charlotte Jewish community about refugee issues and to encourage the community to volunteer with local refugees and the agencies that resettle refugees. Many refugees have fled violence and threats of persecution. Volunteers working with young or adult refugees help provide stability, continuity, and assistance to those adjusting to life in a new country. While these refugees are not Jewish, it has always been a tenet of Judaism to help the stranger and welcome the refugee. JCRI brings volunteer, donation, education and advocacy opportunities to you and your family. For more information visit


Partner agencies: Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community, Jewish Family Services, Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte, Levine JCC, Stan Greenspon Center for Peace & Social Justice, Temple Beth El and Temple Israel




Shalom Green is a group of Jewish community volunteers dedicated to promoting an understanding of Jewish environmental values. Shalom Green is united in its commitment to sustainability and is energized to take meaningful action to preserve and protect Creation through its three primary goals: to REDUCE the carbon footprint of Shalom Park facilities, to MAINTAIN the Shalom Park Community Garden, and to EDUCATE the community about environmental issues. For more information visit shalomgreenclt.orgor email


Partner Agencies: Foundation of Shalom Park, Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte, Levine JCC, Temple Beth El and Temple Israel




Abraham’s Tent Room in the Inn: A Muslim Community-Jewish Community Partnership at Queens University of Charlotte

The Muslim community and the Jewish community have partnered to create Abraham's Tent Room in the Inn.  We will provide shelter and food for the homeless during the winter months. The goal is to keep homeless people from freezing on cold winter nights. We need your help providing food and your time. They sleep overnight and get a hot meal for dinner and for breakfast. We supply goody bags for them to take home as well as a bag lunch, socks, hats and coats for the winter.  This will also be an opportunity to get to know your Jewish and Muslim neighbors while building bridges and relationships within the communities.

2020 Dates: 1/11, 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 2/29, 3/21

Sign-up for 2020 Season by clicking here.


For questions or additional information about Shalom Park Social Action , please contact Emily Russell.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does.

- Margaret Mead

Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785