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Music at TI

Temple Israel, under the leadership of Cantor Shira Lissek,
strives to engage, inspire, and connect us to each other
and our tradition through Jewish music.




A musical blog featuring videos and recordings from Cantor Lissek at Temple Israel.

Visit Temple Israel's YouTube page by clicking here 


Ani Eshtagea sung by Cantor Magda Fishman 

We can't wait to have Israeli Cantor Magda Fishman light up our bima with her extraordinary talent next week at our 6th Annual Fundraiser, "Together We Rise"!  

Click Here to Listen to Cantor Magda Fishman!


Avinu shebashamayim, Prayer for Israel (Finkelstein)

Click here to listen

We are almost 10 months since October 7th and Israel needs our prayers more than ever.

We pray to bring our hostages home now.  We pray for our youth and family fighting in the IDF to safely and successfully defend the State of Israel.  

We pray for our leaders to make wise decisions, and we pray for peace and safety.

This is a setting we’ve been using on Shabbat morning at Temple Israel composed by Cantor Meir Finkelstein that merges the Traditional Hebrew with English lyrics.

We hope that together we are strengthened by this pray and that this land will be blessed with peace and joy.

Prayer for the State of Israel

אָבִינוּ שֶׁבַּשָּׁמַֽיִם, צוּר יִשְׂרָאֵל וְגוֹאֲלוֹ, בָּרֵךְ אֶת מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל, רֵאשִׁית צְמִיחַת גְּאֻלָּתֵנוּ

Avinu she-ba-shamayim, tzur Yisrael v’go·alo bareikh et m’dinat yisrael, reishit tz’mihat g’ulateinu.

Avinu she-ba-shamayim, stronghold and redeemer of the people Israel: Bless the State of Israel, the beginning of our redemption.

Strengthen the hands of those who defend our holy land, Avinu she-ba-shamayim. Deliver them and strengthen their efforts with triumph. Avinu she-ba-shamayim tzur yisrael vegoalo. Bless this land with peace, oh god, and its inhabitants with lasting joy. And let us say, let us say, Amen, Amen.


 (Waiting) מחכה by Israeli Artists Idan Raichel and Rita


Honored to sing a resonant and hopeful Israeli song מחכה( Michake) by עידן רייכל - Idan Raichel and Rita with guitarist Dan Nadel at the incredible Cantors Assembly convention in Minneapolis Minnesota last week.  Grateful to share and receive music with these amazing cantors! #cantorcon #WhatCantorsDo 

Click here to listen.

one day it will happen
יום אחד זה יקרה

Without us feeling it, something will change
בלי שנרגיש, משהו ישתנה

Something will relax us, something will touch us
משהו ירגע בנו, משהו יגע בנו

And there will be nothing to fear
ולא יהיה ממה לחשוש
And it will come like an engraved line on the palm of your hand
וזה יבוא כמו קו חרוט על כף יד

It will come for sure
זה יבוא בטוח בעצמו

As if it had always been there
כאילו היה שם תמיד

and waited for us to notice him
וחיכה שנבחין בו
And it will come, you will see
וזה יבוא, אתה תראה

The clenched hands will lengthen
הידיים הקפוצות יתארכו

And the guarding heart will never be hurt at a normal rate
והלב השומר לא להיפגע יפעם בקצב רגיל

It will come, as nature is wont to do
זה יבוא, כמו שהטבע רגיל

to be whole with himself
להיות שלם עם עצמו
one day it will happen
יום אחד זה יקרה

Without us feeling it, something will change
בלי שנרגיש, משהו ישתנה

Something will relax us, something will touch us
משהו ירגע בנו, משהו יגע בנו

And there will be nothing to fear
ולא יהיה ממה לחשוש
And it will come like an engraved line on the palm of your hand
וזה יבוא כמו קו חרוט על כף יד

It will come for sure
זה יבוא בטוח בעצמו

As if it had always been there
כאילו היה שם תמיד

and waited for us to notice him
וחיכה שנבחין בו
And it will come, you will see
וזה יבוא, אתה תראה

The clenched hands will lengthen
הידיים הקפוצות יתארכו

And the heart guarding not to be hurt ever at a normal rate
והלב השומר לא להיפגע יפעם בקצב רגיל

It will come, as nature is wont to do
זה יבוא, כמו שהטבע רגיל

you will see
אתה תראה

The clenched hands will lengthen
הידיים הקפוצות יתארכו

And the heart guarding not to be hurt ever at a normal rate
והלב השומר לא להיפגע יפעם בקצב רגיל

It will come, as nature is wont to do
זה יבוא, כמו שהטבע רגיל

to be perfect...
להיות שלם...
it will come
זה יבוא

When not everything will shake us
כשלא הכל יטלטל אותנו

And not everything will hit
ולא הכל יכה

And what will open up for us
ומה שייפתח לנו

am waiting


L’dor Vador by Josh Nelson

Join us this Shabbat as we thank our Legacy donors and celebrate our Beyond B’nai Mitzvah students who will share their voices and lead us in Shabbat services.

L’dor Vador we protect this chain, from generation to generation. Our song of the week will be L’dor Vador by Josh Nelson sung by TI Kids Sing on Friday night!

Click here to listen.

This week’s Song of the Week on Shira with Shira is Mi Chamocha by Michael Ochs sung by Cantor Lissek and Liza Simon.   This is a clip from Shabbat Shira last Shabbat and will be sung by Kitah Dalet this Friday night during their class Shabbat.  See you at Temple Israel! Shabbat Shalom.

To listen, click here.

Mi Chamocha by Michael Ochs

This week’s parsha features Shirat Hayam, The Song of the Sea.  Therefore we call it Shabbat Shira, the Shabbat of Song.   

This is a new setting by Michael Ochs with both the Hebrew and an English text that is true to the biblical story and also resonates for us with our current situation in the world.

Mi Chamocha Baeilim Adonai
Mi Kamocha Nedar Bakodesh
Nora T’hilot Oseh feleh

And the river is wide
And the river is deep
And the river is standing between you and me and freedom, freedom 
But we shall overcome one day

Click here to listen.


The Hope (TI Kids Sing)

The song of this week features our TI Kids Sing singing “The Hope” live last Friday Night during services. This song was written by Rich Recht inspired by the Israeli national anthem Hatikvah which means hope.

With everything going on in the world never- the-less we hope. “This is the hope that holds us together, Hatikvah, the hope is still real”.

Thursday this week, marks the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass, 85 years ago in Germany. 85 Years later, one month after October 7th when our brothers and sisters in the State of Israel were slaughtered on Simchat Torah, we find strength in coming together to lift each other and protect each other. Lihyot am hofshi B’artzenu beretz zion v’yirushalayim, L'hiyot- As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart, With eyes turned toward the East, looking toward Zion, Then our hope - the two-thousand-year-old hope - will not be lost: To be a free people in our land, The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

Click here to listen.


Bring Them Home

Bring Him Home from Les Misérables

Our song of the week is a reimagining  of the song “Bring Him Home" from Les Misérables sung by Tel Aviv Opera as a plea to bring home the captives in Gaza. Adonai, hear our prayer. Bring them home.

To listen, click here.


Oseh Shalom by Oran Eldor and Shira Lissek

To listen, click here.

Music is the language of the soul.   During times when there are no words, where do we find strength?  We find strength in singing together.  It’s a channel to heal our sorrow and focus our hopes and dreams.

Our song of the week, Oseh Shalom by Oran Eldor and Cantor Shira Lissek, is from our Friday night service last week when we came together for Shabbat services with our hearts and minds on Israel.


Kol Nidre by Herbert Fromm

Shira with Shira-Avinu Malkenu by Janowski

To listen, click here.

Yom Kippur


Avinu malkeinu, sh’ma koleinu. 
Avinu malkeinu, hatanu l’fanekha. 
Avinu malkeinu, hamol aleinu 
v’al olaleinu v’tapeinu. 
Avinu malkeinu, kaleh dever 
v’herev v’ra·av mei-aleinu. 
Avinu malkeinu, kaleh khol tzar 
u-mastin mei-aleinu. 
Avinu malkeinu, 
kotveinu b’sefer hayim tovim. 
Avinu malkeinu, 
hadesh aleinu shanah tovah. 
Avinu malkeinu, sh’ma koleinu. 

Avinu Malkeinu, hear our voices. 
We have sinned in Your presence. 
Have compassion on us and our children. 
Rid us of disease, war, and hunger. 
Rid us of every oppressor and adversary. 
Avinu Malkeinu, inscribe us for good 
in the Book of Life. 
Avinu Malkeinu, 
make this a good new year for us. 
Avinu Malkeinu, hear our voices.  


SEPTEMBER 15 - Shehecheyanu by Beth Styles

Shehecheyanu is a blessing we recite on Rosh Hashana in gratitude of this new moment.  Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe,
Who has kept us alive, sustained us, and brought us to this moment.   

This is a beautiful new setting of Shehecheyanu that I recorded from my office with Beth Styles a few months ago. I hope it inspires you to embrace the blessing of a
fresh start to the New Year! It is a gift to begin anew again. To listen, click here.

We are so looking forward to celebrating Rosh Hashanah with you at Temple Israel.  

L’Shana Tova Umetuka, May you have a good and sweet New Year!!


SEPTEMBER 1 - Awaken by Cantor Ellen Dreskin

Awaken my soul/ heart/ life to all its potential
A letter unique in an infinite scroll
Both a guest and a gift in this life I am living
May I be for a blessing as I come and I go.

Click here to listen.


AUGUST 18 - Return by J. Buchanan

In Elul, the month leading to Rosh Hashanah, we have the opportunity of a fresh new start of the new year. To prepare we review the year past and look for ways to do Teshuvah, to return to God, and find ways to repair the ways in which we missed the mark last year in our relationships and with ourselves. 

Our song of the week is Return by Joe Buchanan. Click here to listen. Let the words inspire you as you start your process of Teshuvah, Returning.

I will take a long look at me
And think about what it is I see
Have I been good to you?
Did I do all that I said I’d do?

Remembering the words I’ve used
Thinking about the times I was rude
If I am thankful for this gift
Let me say it with deeds, not just lips

It’s going to be a brave new year
Starting right now, right here
And I will be strong and stand up tall
Reach out for others when they fall

And I will rejoice in my faith
And remember that love is why we’re made
Be the very best that I can be
For the world and for me

Every day, we live our lives
Some days we let ourselves slide
And we forget our way
Thankfully it’s not too late

Avinu Malkeinu, Choneinu V’aneinu
I may have done wrong at times I know
But through my actions I will show

Teshuva….Teshuva….Return….Return (x2)

Teshuva….Teshuva….Return….Return (x2)x


AUGUST 11 - Birkat Hachodesh by Beth Styles

This Shabbat we’ll be blessing the new month of Elul. In Elul we begin the inner work of preparing ourselves for the New Year spiritually and emotionally. We are reminded that each and every day is a chance to hit the reset button. We have the personal power to bring about change, regardless of what's going on around us. And guess what? We're not on our own in this journey. God's right there with us, and you can actually feel it when you spread some positivity in the world.

Years ago, when I was installed at Temple Israel, we turned to the text of Birkat Hachodesh as a way to bless our new journey together as your cantor.  The setting was commissioned from and performed with Beth Styles. We don’t yet have a professional recording of this setting so please enjoy this live version from our
Temple Israel Sanctuary on the day of my installation. Click here to listen.

Wishing you each Chodesh tov, a good and peaceful month filled with joy and blessings, abundance, and a month in which our worthy aspirations shall be fulfilled.


JULY 7 - Yerushalayim Shel Zahav by Naomi Shemer

The Fast of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz which fell this week on Thursday, July 6 begins a mourning period called the “Three Weeks” heading towards Tisha B’av. During this time we turn our hearts to Jerusalem. We mourn for the destruction of the holy temple and pray for a peaceful future for this holy city.  The fasting and prayer are to fix the cause of the destruction and this makes the fast day a day of opportunity. I want to share this very special rendition of "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav," performed by female Cantors from around the world. To listen, Click Here.


JUNE 16 - Shehecheyanu by Beth Styles

I’m excited to share with you a beautiful new setting of Shehecheyanu by Beth Styles.
“There is a blessing with every season a gift to begin again.  Behold this moment here together, and let us say Amen.”   The Shehecheyanu is recited every time we realize the miracle of the present moment. Enjoy this gorgeous new version written for Cantor and Choir. To listen, Click Here


בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה, יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ, מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ וְהִגִּיעָנוּ לַזְּמַן הַזֶּה.

Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, shehecheyanu, v'kiy'manu, v'higiyanu laz'man hazeh.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who has kept us alive, sustained us, and brought us to this season.


JUNE 2 - Priestly Blessing

This week on Shira with Shira our prayer of the week, the Priestly Blessing, comes from this week’s parsha, Naso. Aaron and his descendants, the kohanim, were commanded to bless the Jewish people with three special blessings: “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying: This is how you must bless the Israelites.

Say to them:

May God bless you and watch over you.
May God’s Presence enlighten you and bestow grace to you.
May God lift His face toward you and grant you peace.” (Num. 6:23-26)


MAY 25 - Eretz Lahadam arranged by Oran Eldor

Click here to Listen


MAY 19 - Halleluyah by Rick Recht

Kol Hanshama T’Hallel Ya- Let every voice sing praise!!  This Friday night is our last
TI KIDS SING of the season. What a wonderful kick-off season it has been. Thank
you to all of our young students who shared their voices and enthusiasm this year!!   Here’s our song of the week Halleluyah by Rick Recht!  Sing along!! Click Here


APRIL 28  - If We Loved Like That (V’ahavta L'rayacha Kamocha) by Elana Arian

God says, “be holy for I your God am holy.” These words found in Parshat Kedoshim precede all the ways in which we can be holy; by giving tzedaka, honoring our parents, keeping Shabbat, and perhaps, according to Rabbi Akiva, the most important way to be holy is to love your neighbor as yourself, V’ahavta l’reyacha kamocha.
Click here to listen.


APRIL 21 -  Yom Hashoah Commemoration and Concert, featuring the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra with Cantors Thomas and Lissek

This week on Shira with Shira we are sharing this meaningful Charlotte Community Yom Hashoah Commemoration and Concert that will only be available for viewing
for a limited time.

Thank you to the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte, Stan Greenspon, Arlene & Milton Berkman, The Blumenthal Foundation, The Leon Levine Foundation, Rich Osborne, Leon (OBM) & Sandra Levine, and the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra as well as all of the Jewish Agencies who came together to create this program.

This musical collaboration is conducted by Christopher James Lees, featuring Cantor Mary Thomas of Temple Beth El and Cantor Shira Lissek of Temple Israel.

Music has the power to reach beyond language to the soul. The orchestra plays the Theme From Schindler’s List and other thoughtfully curated selections. The vocal selections include Ravel’s Kaddish and psalms, as well as contemporary songs written in response to the Holocaust that express the resilience and hopes of the human spirit in the face of adversity and reflect the lessons I have learned as the daughter of a Hidden Child in France during World War II. 

To listen, click here


MARCH 31 - Min Hameitzar by Neshama Carlebach 

The theme of Passover is thanking God for freeing us from slavery in Egypt. 
Out of the depths of this narrow place, God answered us. The Hebrew word for
Egypt is Mitzrayim, which means a narrow place. Where are you stuck in a narrow place in your life?  How can you free yourself from the emotional, spiritual, or physical narrowness in your life?  Click here to listen.


Our prayer of the week is Ashrei. Happy are those who dwell in your house, they
will sing your praises forever. Thursday morning minyan was filled with Ashrei, with joyfulness as Reuben lead us in prayers and had an Aliya to the Torah to kick off his Bar-Mitzvah weekend and birthday (click here)! A joyful Hodesh Tov and Shabbat Shalom. Looking forward to celebrating together this Shabbat at Temple Israel.

MARCH 17 - V’ahavta Lereyacha Kamocha / Love Your Neighbor as Yourself by Elana Arian.  

How would the world look
How might our days be lighter
How could the heart feel
How light the lens get wider
If we loved like that

Who could be saved 
How might the world be softer
Who could your heart heal
What is the gift you’d offer
If we loved like that

To listen to our Song of The Week, click here.


MARCH 10 - We Don't Talk About Vashti: An Encanto Spiel

Thank you to our amazing spielers who brought an Encanto Spiel to Temple Israel!
Enjoy this song "We Don't Talk About Vashti" as our song of the week, by clicking here.


FEBRUARY 17 - Encanto Purim Spiel

To watch this week's video, click here.


FEBRUARY 3 - When You Believe by Stephen Schwartz

To watch this week's video, click here.


JANUARY 27 - Ani Maamin, I Believe by Beth Styles

Ani Maamin - 
I believe with complete faith

In the coming of the Mashiach,
the savior.

And even though they may tarry

Nonetheless I will wait
I will wait every day for them to come

Oh I, do believe
With all my heart I believe 
In ever lasting peace
I believe.

For International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I will be singing this modern setting
of Ani Maamin (click here) at tonight’s event called, "Combatting Hate: Once Voice at a Time" presented by the Greenspon Center.

This declaration of faith even in the face of ultimate suffering is a beautiful examplefor us that, nonetheless there is always hope. If we believe with complete faith in a better era, then we are able to bring a better future to the world. It is we who then are able to lead a new path towards peace and wholeness.

JANUARY 20 - Shed A Little Light by James Taylor

Coming off of Martin Luther King weekend let us recognize, that there are ties between us, all of the people living on the earth, ties of Hope, and love of sister and brotherhood.   

Register and join me for the Greenspon Center’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day Program, Combating Hate: One Voice at a Time. Hope to see you there!

Click here to listen to Shed A Little Light.


DECEMBER 16 - NCJCA Chanukah at the NC Governor’s Mansion

Thank you Governor Roy Cooper for hosting NCJCA (North Carolina Jewish Clergy Association). We loved getting in the Chanukah spirit with you! 

What a privilege to be able to speak with Communications Director Sadie Weiner, Governor Cooper, Attorney General Josh Stein, Secretary of the Dept. of Public Safety Eddie Buffaloe, and our NCJCA Jewish Clergy about the issues that matter to you and to us: Addressing Anti-Semitism, Reproductive Justice, Voting Rights, and Medicaid Expansion. 

It was a shehechyanu moment!

This important meeting was followed by a wonderful (early) celebration of Chanukah, with the menorah lighting and complete with jelly donuts, of course! I am thankful for a Governor who truly values the Jewish community and the rights of all people! 
To listen to the briefing, click here.

DECEMBER 9 - You Raise Me Up by Rolf Lovland

We are so looking forward to joining together with you on Sunday, Dec. 11th for our Annual Fundraiser Concert “You Raise Me Up” where we will raise each other up with music, love, and friendship, and honor two pillars of our community Margi Goldstien and Harry Swimmer.  

You are going to love sax player Adrian Crutchfield, our TI Teens Rock Band premiere, our 10-piece band, and all of the surprise treats we have in store for you!

I want to take this opportunity to thank our generous sponsors and everyone attending on Sunday.   

Thank you and Shabbat Shalom! Click here for a preview.


DECEMBER 2 - Light up the Night by Jacob Spike Krauss

"I believe in the power of a little bit of light. And I believe the smallest among us can win the fight.  I’m not afraid to show, my faith still glows and so, everyone will know,
I put these lights inside my window To light up, light up, light up the night.
Eight days of candles burning bright.  Light up, Light up, Light up the night.
I believe in the power of a little bit of light."

Our Fundraiser Concert “You Raise Me Up” is coming soon on Sunday, December 11
at 5 p.m., when we will light up the night with music, love, friendship, and inspiration. Please help us raise up Temple Israel and celebrate our wonderful community! Click here to listen.

NOVEMBER 25 - Grateful by Beth Styles

Our song of the week is Grateful by Beth Styles in honor of Thanksgiving, and the new Hebrew month of Kislev which has the holiday of Chanukah in it.  We have so much to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving to you, and Chodesh Tov!  Click here.


NOVEMBER 18 - L’chu N’ran’na by Cantor Pavel Roytman

To watch this week's video, click here.


NOVEMBER 4 - L’chi Lach by Debbie Friedman

What’s your Lech L’cha moment?  In Parashat Lech Lecha, God tells Abraham to go forth and be a blessing. Going forth into the unknown can be frightening. We all have a defining moment when we are called to go forth toward our destiny.  This is a life changing moment.  What was yours?  Is it now?  Be brave!  Go forth!  Be a blessing!
To listen to L’chi Lach, click here.


OCTOBER 28 - Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Harold Arlen

In Parshat Noah, God Says to Noah and his family, “When I bring clouds over the earth, and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember My covenant between Me and you, and every living creature on earth, so that the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy the world. That,” God said to Noah, “shall be the sign of the covenant that I have established between Me and all living creatures of every kind on earth.” The Rainbow is a sign of the covenant and a sign of hope. When clouds are gray, when it’s raining, the sun can peer through and a rainbow appears. 

To listen to this week's featured song, please click here.


OCTOBER 14 - Hashkiveinu (Zweiback) sung by Reuben and Maayan Lissek Nerenberg

On Shira with Shira this week we want to thank all of our young soloists who shared the gift of their voices with us over the High Holidays. May they continue to be sheltered, guarded and safe beneath the wings of Adonai. To listen, click here.

Shelter us beneath your wings, oh Adonai
Guard us from all harmful things, Adonai
Keep us safe throughout the night
Till we wake with mornings light
Teach us daily wrong from right, oh Adonai



SEPTEMBER 23 - Avinu Malkenu (Janowski)

God, Hear our prayers We have sinned before Thee Have compassion upon us and upon our children Help us bring an end to pestilence, war, and famine Cause all hate and oppression to vanish from the earth Inscribe us for blessing in the Book Of Life Let the new year be a good year for us

Wishing you all the Sweetest New Year! Click here.

SEPTEMBER 16 - We Return/Hashiveinu

To watch this week's video, click here.


SEPTEMBER 9 - L'Dor Vador (On and On) by Nefesh Mountain

“The light in us shines on and on the time may pass but it’s never gone. L’dor Vador Nagid Godlecha….All the days that came before us were as the wind upon our sails.”

These are the resonant and inspirational lyrics of Nefesh Mountain’s "On and On (L’dor Vador).  Listen and learn this beautiful song that we will hear live in our Temple Israel Sanctuary next Saturday night, September 17. This Selichot Havdallah and Concert is open to the entire Jewish Community and sponsored by Temple Beth El and Temple Israel.  Let’s start the season singing together!  Click here.

“Arguably some of the best bluegrass ever made... Nefesh Mountain is forging new paths in the grand ol’ world of bluegrass. Still taking a good bit of inspiration from the classics, the
band is in uncharted territory in terms of turning bluegrass into an expressive, muli-cultural celebration.” 
- American Songwriter

“Utterly American, utterly contemporary and thoroughly compelling. The music grabs hold
and doesn’t let go.” -
 Bluegrass Unlimited


SEPTEMBER 2 - Achat Shaalti

In the month of Elul we sound the shofar to awaken ourselves to the work of Teshuvah, repenting and returning to our purest selves, and giving ourselves a clean slate for the New Year. We also recite a psalm that includes “Achat Shaalti” - The one thing I ask of you, Adonai, is to sit in your presence all the days of my life. Please
click here to watch.

AUGUST 19 - Shabbat Candle Blessings

Every time we say “Baruch Ata Adonai” we are not saying to God “You are blessed.” Rather, we are saying, thank you to God for the blessings that God bestows upon us. When any of us say “baruch ata Adonai” as the opening of a bracha, we are not expressing gratitude to God that we are alive; but that the very fact is a blessing in and of itself.

The message of expressing gratitude and saying brachot, like the bracha over Shabbat candles, is to be grateful for what we have and to commit ourselves to be God’s agents in the world.

When we live each day being just a little more decent, with just one additional sand-like grain of integrity, we should be both grateful and satisfied. Each of us should learn to say: “Today, I lived the best I could and I am grateful that I did. Tomorrow is another opportunity to add more grains of sand by expressing gratitude to God in both word and deed.” To watch this week's video, click here.

AUGUST 12 - Nachamu Ami by Elana Arian

To watch this week's video, click here


JULY 22 - Modim Anachnu LachWe gratefully acknowledge you

מוֹדִים אֲנַחְנוּ לָךְ שָׁאַתָּה הוּא ה’ אֱלֹהֵינוּ וֵאלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד צוּר חַיֵּינוּ מָגֵן יִשְׁעֵנוּ אַתָּה הוּא לְדוֹר וָדוֹר
We gratefully acknowledge that You are Adonai, our God and the God of our ancestors for all eternity. You are the Rock of our lives and the Shield of our salvation from generation to generation. We shall thank You and declare Your praise—for our lives which are in Your hand, for our souls which are in Your care, for Your miracles that are with us every day, and for Your wondrous deeds and favors at all times. To listen,
click here.


JULY 8 - L'Cha Dodi by Elana Arian

Check out this week's song of the week, L'Cha Dodi by Elana Arian. Click here, learn it, and sing along with us this Friday night at Temple Israel.

JULY 1 - Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu to the tune of “Shallow”

Happy New Month and Happy 4th of July. This year our hearts may be heavy when celebrating our great country. But with the new month, we are reminded that there is always a new beginning, a new chance to work for a better world. Be the change that you wish to see in our country. Our song of the week is "Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu," peace will come upon us yet. We pray that our country can find its way back to peace among us. This is Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu to the tune of “Shallow.” Enjoy!
To watch this video, click here.


JUNE 17 - Mi Shebeirach by Shira Lissek and Oran Eldor

Today's song comes from this week’s Parsha, Beha'alotecha. Moshe pleads with God to heal his sister Miriam.  “El Na R’Fa Na La” - Please God heal her please.

This is a setting I co-wrote with Oran Eldor. Please learn it and then come and sing with us at Friday night services at Temple Israel. Shabbat Shalom.


JUNE 10 - Hashkivenu by Dan Singer

To watch this video, click here.


JUNE 3Va’ani Ashir Uzecha by Josh Warshawsky

Inviting everyone to Shavuot the Torah of Music, tomorrow evening! To watch this video, click here.


MAY 20 - Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu 

To watch this video, click here.


MAY 13 - Or Chadash by Rick Recht

Come celebrate WoTI Shabbat with us on Friday night, May 13, and “Be the Spark.” The Women of Temple Israel (WoTI) will lead us with their words and
prayers and we will celebrate those who have inspired us and sparked light in
our souls. Click here to listen.


APRIL 29 - Yonina for Yom Ha'Atzmaut

We are so fortunate to be taking a virtual tour of Yerushalayim with Yonina live from Israel this Sunday. Listen to this heartwarming and super talented couple sing songs
of Israel (click here) as we look forward to celebrating Yom Ha'Atzmaut with them!

Join us this Sunday! But first, you must register in order to get the Zoom link. 
Register here.


APRIL 21 - If The World Had Cried by Kenny Karen (arranged by Oran Eldor)

On April 26 an ensemble of students from UNC Charlotte Orchestra, Queens University of Charlotte, and Central Piedmont (under the baton of Dr. Alan Yamamoto) will join me in setting the tone on our commemoration with “If the World had Cried” by Kenny Karen (click here) for our Charlotte Community Wide Holocaust Commemoration. They will also be playing “Intonations: Songs from the Violins of Hope” among other musical offerings, candle lighting, and prayers.

Join us at The Sandra Levine Theater at 7 p.m. for the memorable commemoration, ritual, testimony, and music (details).


APRIL 15 - Super Kosher Manischewitz Exodus and Moses (parody)

To watch this video, click here.


APRIL 8 - When you Believe by Stephen Schwartz

In celebration of being together again for Temple Israel's 2nd Night Seder and the launching of the North Carolina Jewish Clergy Association. Click here.


APRIL 1 - Sharing Our Stories (Men's Club Shabbat)

To watch this video, click here.


MARCH 25 - Olam Chesed Yibaneh by Menachem Creditor

Join us for Yom Gemilut Hasadim this Sunday and help us make the world a better place! Click here to listen to Olam Chesed Yibaneh.


MARCH 11 - We don’t talk about Haman (from Encanto’s "We don’t talk about Bruno") 

This week is Shabbat Zachor, Shabbat to remember. In anticipation of Purim we
are asked to remember the story of Amalek. Shabbat Zachor always comes right before Purim when we read the Megillah, the story of Esther speaking up to save her people from the evil plot of Haman who is a descendent of Amalek. Here in
this video is a fun parody of the Purim Story. This Wednesday (3/16) come out
to see Temple Israel's Purim Spiel, “The Megillah According to Taylor Swift.”


MARCH 4 - Oseh Shalom by Benji Schiller

We are feeling a need to pray for peace right now all over the world and
particularly in the Ukraine.  Click here for Oseh Shalom by Benji Schiller.


FEBRUARY 26 - Oseh Shalom by Elana Jagoda

How can we become closer with God? Listen to this video to find out three ways we can bring God into our lives that are found in Parshat Vayakheil. This Shabbat join us for Kitah Aleph (1st grade) Class Shabbat when they will sing their favorite version of Oseh Shalom (click here), and the Bar Mitzvah of Dylan Mann. See you at Temple Israel!

FEBRUARY 19 - Shiru L'Adonai by Eldor

Here is another song we would love for you to learn so you can sing along with us on Friday nights. To watch this video, click here.


FEBRUARY 12 - L’cha Dodi by Josh Warshawsky

We hope you will learn this and sing along on Friday nights. To watch this video, click here.


FEBRUARY 3 - Sanctuary Song

To watch this video, click here.


JANUARY 27 - Hashkivenu and Guide My Steps

This past Shabbat the clergy of Temple Israel and Beth El joined by Rev. LeDayne McCleese Polaski of MecMin gathered for words of comfort and prayer in a Unity Shabbat service at Temple Israel this past Friday night as a response to the events at a Synagogue in Texas two weeks ago.

“Every time people gather in prayer, and calculate how far it is to the nearest exit –– Every time a rabbi schedules active shooter training – Every time someone starts to put on a kippa or a Star of David and stops and has a second thought – Echo, after echo after echo. It is almost more than even the most stalwart heart can hold.

So let me tell you what I pray. I pray that the echoes won’t sound just in Jewish synagogues and Jewish hearts. I pray that the echo will resound in the services of Christians and Baha’is. I pray that it will resound in the sermons of Muslims and Unitarians. I pray that it will reverberate in the meditations of Buddhists and Hindus. I pray that it will ring out in the songs of Sikhs and New Thought practitioners. I pray that as we all kneel down, light lamps, read scripture, as we chant, sing, and dance at churches, mosques, temples, gurdwaras, viharas, spiritual centers and home altars, that the echo be always in our ears, in our minds, in our hearts.

Grief echoes. Pain echoes. So does solidarity. So does love.

What one heart cannot bear, all of our hearts together can.

Though the weight of the world would crush each of us, it can be borne by all of us. May it be so.”- Rev. LeDayne McCleese Polanski.

The last line is adapted from a poem called The Hardest Year by her friend Adele Pfrimmer Hensley. 

Click here for Hashkivenu and Guide My Steps. 


JANUARY 14 - Purim Spiel Kickoff!

To watch this week's video, click here.

Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785