February 5, 2023
Judaic Studies:
Hi Gimel Families,
We had a very green class this past Sunday! Our class discussed the holiday of Tu B’Shvat – when it is, what it is, why it is important and how we celebrate were our themes of the day. We made connections to Tu B’Shvat by thinking about days we focus on trees and the environment in both our own daily lives and during the year. Please ask them to share all they learned about our wonderful holiday! Next Sunday we dive right back into Genesis and some great projects.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Shalom Parents,
This past week we introduced the Mitkadem Hebrew program and helped familiarize the students with it. We are starting this program on Ramah (level) 3, as this is the first Ramah after students learned to read and write. This Ramah introduces new vocabulary, roots, prefixes and suffixes that are new to the students, which will help them with understanding the tefillot they are learning. I am very excited about this program, especially since it allows for individual progress in line with each child’s learning style and capabilities.
We also discussed the first activity in this Ramah - reasons we want/need to learn Hebrew.
During the week, students will continue to work on increasing the fluency with which they read Hebrew and will work on their Hebrew writing skills.
Shabbat Shalom