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April 14, 2024

The Bet Hebrew students learned to read with the Hebrew letter Tet. Students practiced reading lines of Hebrew in small groups, matched Hebrew rhyming words, and practiced writing words with a Tet. Students also played a “Move Around the Vet” Hebrew board game. A group of four girls played the game where they were all sounding out the words together and supporting each other! Next week, we will have a Model Seder and have fun playing the Ten Plague relay races! Please send your child in clothing that can get messy-the first plague was (red) blood!!!

March 17, 2024

Hi Parents,

This week we had a special guest join us in our class, Rabbi Wolk! The students asked him all sorts of questions about his job (some examples include: What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done as a rabbi? What is your favorite thing about being a rabbi? How long does it take to become a rabbi?). After the interview portion of class, they drew his portrait. Please remember that there is no drop off for religious school this Sunday for the Purim festivities. We can’t wait to see you and your kiddos in their costumes!


Morah Jen and Maya

February 25, 2024

Hebrew- The Bet Hebrew students learned the vowels that make the EH sound and practiced reading Hebrew words with these vowels. They also played two board games that reinforced their Hebrew reading skills. We also reviewed the tefillot-prayers from the Kabbalat Shabbat service on Friday nights and practiced a play for our class Shabbat on March 15th.

Judaic Studies Hi families,  This week we finished up our lesson on how we dress the Torah by doing a quick fill in the black worksheet and then by coloring, cutting, and gluing our own paper Torah to dress it. After that we practiced for our class Shabbat (SAVE THE DATE 3/15) and then began discussing the role of the clergy in a synagogue. Please remember that there is no drop off for Hebrew school on Sunday. However, we hope you’ll join us with your child for Yom Gemilut Hasadim activities!

February 11, 2024

After Shira/Tefillah and a school wide breakfast as part of the World Wide Wrap, the Bet students learned to read and write with the Hebrew letter Resh. They learned to remember Resh as the rounded Resh and not to confuse it with the diving board Dalet. The students also practiced a play that they will perform at their class Shabbat on March 15th.

February 4, 2024

The Bet Hebrew class learned to read with the Hebrew letter, Hey. They read Hebrew in small groups, wrote Hebrew words with Hey, and matched Hebrew rhyming words.

January 28, 2024

The Bet Class learned to read with the Hebrew letter Nun and Nun Sofit today. They read Hebrew in small groups and practiced writing words with Nun. They also practiced prayers from the Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat service and began practicing a play that they will present at our Class Shabbat on Friday, March 15th.  

January 21, 2024

After a quick review of the Hebrew letters the kids have learned as well as a discussion about Tu B’Shevat the students enjoyed their well-deserved class prize, watching The Lorax and eating popcorn in their PJs. As part of our Tu B’Shevat conversation the kids also had the opportunity to taste dried figs and apricots as well as smell carobs (spoiler alert, they smell horrible) and taste carob chips because of the story about Honi/planting carob trees for future generations to enjoy their fruits. Please enjoy this video with your children to learn more about that story.

January 7, 2024

Judaic Studies- This week we talked about the Torah — what it is, what it’s made of, who writes it and how they do it, etc. Since the Torah is a collection of stories, each student wrote a short story about their Jewish life (spoiler alert, many of them had to do with food). As we do each week, we reviewed previously learned information and the kids did such a good job with it that they filled our class pompom jar and earned a prize. After voting, the prize was determined to be popcorn, pjs, and a movie. If they want to bring a small stuffy, that’s fine too. This will take place during our next class, on 1/21, and honor of Tu B’shevat, we’ll be watching The Lorax. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Morah Jen and Maya

Hebrew- In the Bet Hebrew class, students learned to read with the Hebrew letter Aleph and were introduced to another vowel that makes the “AH” sound. Students practiced reading in small groups, wrote Hebrew words with the letter Aleph, and then played a board game called “Move Around the Mem” with a partner. Students also learned to recite the Shehecheyanu prayer and discussed why and when we recite the prayer.

December 10

Hebrew- The class completed a review activity where students identified words written in Hebrew and told their classmates what to draw on the word. For example, a student told the class to find the word “MiTa” on the paper and draw a dreidel on the word. We also learned to read with the Hebrew letter Dalet, which makes the D sound, and practiced reading in small groups.

Judaic Studies- This week we celebrated and talked about Chanukah! If you haven’t gotten your surprise gift yet, give it until Thursday 😉.

In addition to gift making, we enjoyed sufganiyot, and played dreidel. Before playing dreidel we talked about the letters on it and what words they represent. We also talked about how one of the letters on dreidels in Israel is different than the one on dreidels anywhere else.

Chag Sameach!!

December 3, 2023

The Bet Class learned to read with a new vowel which makes the “EE” sound. Students read lines of Hebrew in small groups and played Hebrew Tic-Tac-Toe and Connect Four to reinforce their reading skills. Students that have been absent also learned to read with the Mem and Final Mem.

November 12

Hebrew - The Bet Hebrew class learned to read with the Hebrew letters Mem and Mem Sofit. Students read in small groups and completed a writing activity and Hebrew word search. Writing the letters helps reinforce the students’ memory of the letter and will be useful when they study in our religious school’s Hebrew prayer curriculum. We also continued learning and singing prayers from the Kabbalat Shabbat service, including Lechu N’ranina, Yismechu, and Romemu. We also sing the Hatikvah each week. We look forward to seeing all our families next Sunday at our Bet Family Education program. The program will begin after our school wide Shirah and Tefillah (about 10:10) and will be held in the Temple Israel Social Hall.

Judaic Studies - This week we reviewed and completed some work in our binder related to parts of the sanctuary/chapel. We then looked at the book of stained glass art found in the sanctuary and made our own “stained glass” window. Many students choose to hang theirs up in the classroom but some preferred to bring it home. Everyone did a great job participating during tefillah and we ended the day in the Chanukah boutique. Remember, this Sunday is our family Ed program! Please join us in the sanctuary for morning tefillah and then stay for this special program. Although the program ends at 11:30, pickup remains the same…12:05pm either in the front via car or the back via walk up. In general, if you plan an early pickup, please let the office know in advance.

Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!!

November 5

Hebrew - The Bet Hebrew students learned to read with the “OH” sound. Students read lines of Hebrew with the “OH” vowel in small reading groups and then wrote Hebrew words with the vowel and solved riddles with English words written with Hebrew letters. For example, students filled in the blank:

The opposite of high is ____ by writing the work “low” with Hebrew letters. Students also played the “Move Around the Lamed” board game where they read Hebrew words are they rolled the dice and moved around the game board.

October 29

Judaic Studies - This week we stuck together as a whole class. In the Judaic section we built upon the concept that the Temple is a part of our community and explored it in more detail. That meant a tour of Temple Israel! The kids were particularly excited about going into the offices and the kitchen (including the walk in fridge). We spent a good amount of our focus on the sanctuary and chapel and discussed the elements common to both.

Hebrew - The Bet students learned to read and write with the Hebrew letter Lamed. They read Hebrew in small groups and then practiced writing Hebrew words and solving riddles with the letters and vowels that they know.  They also learned the prayer Romemu from the Friday night Shabbat service and practiced singing Lechu N’ranina and Tzadik Katamar, which they learned previously.

October 22, 2023

Hebrew - In the Bet Hebrew class, students learned to read and write with the Hebrew letter Bet. Students practiced reading in small groups and completed a writing worksheet. We also played a fun game where each student was given a card with a Hebrew word on it; when the student’s word was called out, the student made a motion, and the class copied (or at least tried to!) their motion. Thus far, the students have learned to read with the Hebrew letters Bet and Shin and two vowels that make the AH sound. So,, this week they read words that combine the Bet and Shin. We will be adding new letters and vowels each week, and hope to learn to read with about half of the Hebrew letters and vowels. The students will learn to read with the remaining letters and vowels next year. The Bet students also practiced singing the prayer, Tzadik Katamar, and began learning the prayer, L’chu N’ranina. Both prayers are from the Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat service.

Judaic Studies - This week we talked about some things we do in the Temple and how the Temple is part of our community. We did some worksheets and games related to that to further their understanding. We had a great day together.

October 15, 2023

HEBREW - In the Bet Hebrew class, students learned to read and write with the Hebrew letter Bet. Students practiced reading in small groups and completed a writing worksheet. We also played a fun game where each student was given a card with a Hebrew word on it; when the student’s word was called out, the student made a motion, and the class copied (or at least tried to!) their motion. Thus far, the students have learned to read with the Hebrew letters Bet and Shin and two vowels that make the AH sound. So,, this week they read words that combine the Bet and Shin. We will be adding new letters and vowels each week, and hope to learn to read with about half of the Hebrew letters and vowels. The students will learn to read with the remaining letters and vowels next year. The Bet students also practiced singing the prayer, Tzadik Katamar, and began learning the prayer, Lechu N'ranina. Both prayers are from the Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat service.

JUDAIC STUDIES -  While the holiday season makes for fun learning opportunities, it was great to be back in the classroom again. Today we reviewed classroom goals, activities, and expectations. The students are excited about earning pom-poms and are well on their way to filling their respective classroom jars. After that we made cards to soldiers in Israel to lift their spirits and let them know we’re thinking of them. As a whole group (all of bet) we practiced some tefillot which the students will lead during their Class Shabbat Celebration.

May 7, 2023

The Bet students were introduced to the Hebrew letter Ayin and the vowels that make the “AY” sound in Hebrew. They read lines of Hebrew aloud as a class and completed a Hebrew writing activity. Having learned that Israel is the Jewish homeland last week, we watched a video about the geography of Israel and then filled in maps of Israel with major cities and bodies of water. I will miss the last day of school to attend a wedding, so we marked the end of the year by watching a video of our time together in the Bet Class. The video included photos of our Passover seder, Purim carnival, time reading Hebrew with friends, and learning about the synagogue. We also reviewed questions about everything we learned this year including our units on the synagogue, how we dress to pray, the Torah, and the Ten Commandments. It has been a wonderful year in the Bet Class!

April 30, 2023

The Bet students learned to read with Hebrew letter Tet. They read in small groups and completed a packet where they wrote Hebrew words with the letter tet and completed a word search with Hebrew letters. The use of reading and writing helps reinforce their recognition and memory of Hebrew letters. In Judaic studies, students focused on the concept of Israel being a homeland for the Jewish people. Students worked in small groups to identify what makes a home, and each group presented their ideas to the class. They also brainstormed what we think of when we say the word land. Then, they combined the two lists to discuss how Israel is a homeland. We also examined where Israel is on the map and geographic features of Israel. In Tefillah, we continued learning Ain Keloheinu and sang the Hatikvah- making sure that students know the words to the Israel’s national anthem.

April 23, 2023

The Bet students learned to read with the Hebrew letter Vav. They practiced reading aloud as a class and then practiced writing Hebrew words with Vav’s. They learned that a Vav with the sh’vah vowel is how we say “and” in Hebrew. In Judaic studies, we learned how there are Jews all around the world and that Jewish people living outside of Israel (our homeland) are said to live in the Diaspora.  We located countries on the globe and then saw pictures of Jewish people and synagogues in different parts of the world. We discussed that Jewish people may look different and speak different languages, but we all share common customs such as lighting the menorah, wearing a tallit, and having a Magen David on the outside of our synagogues. We read excerpts from a book called Shabbat Around the World where we heard short stories about Jewish children celebrating Shabbat in Australia, Southern France, and Thailand. I will be absent next week to attend a family Bar Mitzvah, so I look forward to seeing the students on May 7th.

March 26, 2023

Students learned to read with the Hebrew letter Vet. They practiced writing Hebrew sounds on white boards and read lines of Hebrew aloud. We also read the story of Passover about the exodus from Egypt and had fun using props to act out the ten plagues. We discussed the meaning of the Passover symbols and created beautiful Passover seder plates that the students can use at the seders. Students that finished their seder plates also completed a matching activity worksheet about the symbols.

March 19, 2023

The Bet students learned to read with the tsere and segol vowels, which make the “EH” sound, and practiced reading lines of Hebrew in small groups. In Judaic studies, we continued learning about the Ten Commandments. We explored the ninth commandment (you shall not make up stories about other people) by reading a story called “The Gossip” and the tenth commandment (you shall not envy what belongs to others) by reading a story called “The Peach, The Pitcher, and the Fur Coat”. By discussing the theme and characters in each story, the students saw how gossiping and being jealous of others hurts others. We also discussed how we can turn negative commandments, which focus on telling us what not to do, into positive commandments. Relating to the ninth commandment, the students were each secretly assigned a classmate to write a letter to with true compliments. The letters were sealed in envelopes and will be given out on the last day of religious school this year. Additionally, the students enjoyed singing Jewish songs with Mr. Alex and started learning to sing the prayer Ein Keloheinu. 

March 12, 2023

The Bet Class students are very excited to present their class play and lead parts of the service this Friday, March 17th. The students rehearsed their play as well as prayers from the Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services. We also reviewed our hand motions for remembering the Ten Commandments and read a story focusing on the fifth commandment, to honor your mother and father. The story pointed out what happens when a girl becomes too absorbed in helping others and performing mitzvot outside of her home that she ends up neglecting her family.

February 26, 2023

The Bet class learned to read with the Hebrew letter Resh. They rotated through stations where they read and wrote Hebrew words. In Judaic studies, the class explored the story of Purim and created a class megillah. Each student illustrated a scene from Megillat Esther, which we will tape together and roll up to create a megillah. The class is also creating a cover for our megillah.

February 12, 2023

Students learned to read with the Hebrew letter “Hey”. They combined the Hey with letters and vowels that they already know and read lots of Hebrew sounds and words. As we wrapped up our unit on Discovering the Synagogue, students played their board games with classmates. A few students brought their games home, but we also kept a few in class so the students can continue playing and reinforcing their knowledge about the synagogue. We began our next unit on the Ten Commandments. Students learned how to count the plagues with finger motions and also created their own Ten Commandment tablets.

The students will perform a short play during their Class Shabbat on March 17th. Each student will have a speaking part. It will be a special evening where the students will lead all of the prayers that they have been learning this year.


February 5, 2023

Students learned to read with the Hebrew letter “Nun” and Nun Sofit” today. Students rotated through three stations where they read lines of Hebrew aloud, wrote Hebrew sounds and words on mini white boards, and read Hebrew flashcards aloud. In Judaic Studies, we celebrated Tu B’Shvat (the birthday of the trees) by experiencing a model seder. Our seder revolved around the four seasons. We ate fruits with a hard exterior (oranges) and discussed how it is important not to judge a book by its cover; we ate fruits with a pit (apricots and nectarines) and discussed items that start small and grow bigger and more important; we ate fruits that can be eaten whole (grapes) and discussed when we feel truly happy; we smelled spices (cinnamon) and discussed how we must appreciate what we cannot see. We also discussed the many things that trees give us and watched a video about story of Honi and the Circle Maker that taught the importance of planting trees and taking care of our environment so it will be here for future generation. We also learned the chorus of the prayer “Lecha Dodi” and practiced singing all of the Kabbalat Shabbat prayers that we will lead at our class Shabbat on March 17th.

January 29, 2023

We visited the chapel to examine the Torah. Each student used the yad (pointer) to find Hebrew letters and was able to feel the parchment and see how a Torah is dressed. We finished off our unit about the synagogue by creating a “Let’s Discover the Synagogue” board game. Students worked on the boards today and will bring home their games that you can play as a family next Sunday. In Hebrew, we learned to read with the Hebrew letter Aleph. We learned that Aleph s silent, so we only need to make the sound of the vowel assigned to the Aleph when we read the Aleph. We learned a new melody for L’chu N’ranina and practiced singing the other prayers that we have learned in preparation of our class Shabbat. Remember- our class Shabbat is on March 17th!

Sunday, January 22, 2023


The Bet class enjoyed music with Alex! They sang Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu and learned a new song with Hebrew and English words about communication. In Judaic studies they learned all about the Torah – including that it is written on parchment by a sofer with a quill and ink, the first and last words (B’reishit and Yisrael), and how we dress the Torah with a cloth cover, crown, rimonim (bells), and a yad (pointer). Each student created their own paper cut out of a Torah and completed fill in the blank activities in their Discovering the Synagogue pamphlets. They also learned to read with the silent vowel and reviewed their Hebrew letters and vowels by playing a game where students faced off against each other reading Hebrew word flashcards.


January 8, 2023

As part of our unit on discovering the synagogue, Rabbi Wolk joined our class to discuss his role as a rabbi at Temple Israel. Each student asked the rabbi questions and then sketched his portrait. Some of the questions were about where he gets ideas for sermons, his favorite and worst part about being a rabbi, if he gets nervous, and how well his job pays. The students also practiced reading lines of Hebrew that reinforce the “EE” sound vowel and practiced singing prayers from the Kabbalat Shabbat service.

Please mark your calendars for our class Shabbat on Friday, March 17th!

December 11, 2022

The Bet students learned to read with the Hebrew letter Dalet and practiced reading and writing with all of the letters and vowels that they have learned. They also explored the stories and customs of Chanukah by watching a video about the Maccabees standing up for their right to practice Judaism, creating a Chanukiyah art project, and reading a story about a boy who made a dreidel with braille letters for his father who is blind. The students learned the blessings for lighting the Chanukiyah and discussed how we are thanking God for the miracles of Chanukah, including the Maccabees’ defeat of King Antiochus’s powerful army and the legend of the jar of oil burning for eight days.

December 4, 2022

The Bet students learned a new vowel- the vowel making the “E” sound. They learned by writing combinations of the letters with the E vowel on mini white boards and reading lines of Hebrew aloud. In our class tefillah, we practiced the prayers from the Kabbalat Shabbat service in preparation for our class Shabbat. In Judaic studies, we reviewed how we dress to pray and the names of items in the sanctuary, and then prepared for our class visit with Rabbi Wolk (in January) by compiling a list of questions for him. The students also had fun shopping at the Chanukah boutique.


November 20,2022

Bet The Bet students learned to read and write with the Hebrew letters Mem and Mem Sofit and continued reinforcing their reading skills with the letters and vowels they have already learned. We had our weekly Tefillah where students lead the class in the Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat prayers. In Judaic studies, we continued our unit about exploring the synagogue by learning how we dress to pray. Students learned how the kippah puts us in mindset to learn through a Talmudic tale, learned that the tallit has fringes on four corners that consist of 4 strings knotted in five places, and learned that tefillin, small boxes containing words from the Shema V’ahavta and other Torah passages, are worn on the arm and head since the Torah commands us to “bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead”. A fifth-grade student joined our class and demonstrated how to put on tefiilin. Some of the students also put on tefillin, and we will have them in the class for other students to put on as well.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784