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October 29

Judaic Studies - This week we stuck together as a whole class. In the Judaic section we built upon the concept that the Temple is a part of our community and explored it in more detail. That meant a tour of Temple Israel! The kids were particularly excited about going into the offices and the kitchen (including the walk in fridge). We spent a good amount of our focus on the sanctuary and chapel and discussed the elements common to both.

Hebrew - The Bet students learned to read and write with the Hebrew letter Lamed. They read Hebrew in small groups and then practiced writing Hebrew words and solving riddles with the letters and vowels that they know.  They also learned the prayer Romemu from the Friday night Shabbat service and practiced singing Lechu N’ranina and Tzadik Katamar, which they learned previously.

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784