January 22, 2023
Jewish Life and Culture
Hi all,
Our lesson followed developing a deeper understanding of Martin Luther King Jr. and the values he shared through a genuine friendship with Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. Heschel stated, "There is an evil which most of us condone and are even guilty of: indifference to evil. We remain neutral, impartial, and not easily moved by the wrongs done unto other people.” Students wrote about a connection they had to Heschel's emphasis on indifference and what it means to be sorry. We challenged our own thinking and value of an apology, considering a core value of Judaism is “All Jews are responsible for one another.” Our need to support and lift our community and others is more important that simply being a bystander. Students expressed how they do or have done something that truly reflects their values, such as: being nice to others, eating healthy, working hard in sports, or studying in school. Overall, we walked away knowing our actions should mirror our values and it is important to be aware, conscientious, and purposeful.