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Shira with Shira - 2019



December 19 - Halleluyah by Rick Recht

In these times, as we approach Hanukkah, it is more important than ever to shine our light brightly. When we ignite the light of others around us, the original flame doesn’t lose any of its glow.  More light creates more light. Our featured artist this week, Rick Recht, is someone who has demonstrated this in his own life.  Rick is not only a Jewish Rock Star, but he has created a portal for new Jewish music and Jewish Musicians.  Rick has revolutionized and elevated the genre of Jewish rock music as a powerful and effective tool for developing Jewish pride and identity in youth and adults across the US. Rick together with his amazing wife Elisa (my Camp Ramah friend and CIT!!!) founded Jewish Rock Radio and Song Leader Boot Camp. Rick’s leadership and the magic of his music inspire singing, dancing, and powerful community connection and pride.  We are so excited that Rick will be here in Charlotte at Temple Israel on January 25, 2020 for a Havdallah Family Concert*.  You will want to make sure that you are there with us for this event! Last year at Song Leader Boot Camp, I was honored to join Rick in singing his Halleluyah. Click here to watch! Shabbat Shalom and Happy Hanukkah!

*To reserve tickets to Rick Recht's Havdallah Family Concert, click here.


December 12 - excerpt from Barbra Streisand Tribute

This week we are so excited about the success of our upcoming Winter Concert fundraising event: One Night Only! Kavanah-The Songs and Soul of Barbra Streisand. Norman Shapiro and Amy Udoff, our chairs for the event, along with Ariel DiDonato and the planning committee had exceptional vision and outdid themselves in creating an extraordinary evening for our community to come together and celebrate the past, present, and future of Temple Israel, Charlotte. Thank you to our host committee and each of you for your support. Can’t wait to see you on Sunday! 

This week's featured music is from the first Barbara Streisand Tribute I sang in concert with the Gulf Coast Symphony 20 years ago. As a young opera singer in New York City, I headed to my first agent-booked audition for a company wanting to cast their opera season and this Streisand Tribute. After singing a few arias I blurted out, “I’m really interested in your Barbra Streisand Tribute!” They had me sing a few more songs and the conductor and I became quick friends. I was cast in the opera season and the Pops concerts. Click here for musical excerpts from one of the performances.  


December 5 - You Will Never Walk Alone by Rogers & Hammerstein
(performed by Barbra Streisand)

In Vayeitzei, this weeks parsha, Jacob runs away from his brother Esa and falls asleep on a rock where he dreams of angels going up and down a ladder.  He awakens and says “Surely God is present in this place, and I did not know it.” God is close to the broken-hearted and Jacob is in the darkest moment of his life. Jacob was able to find God in the midst of darkness. This Shabbat I am honored to be leading Shabbat services at the USCJ Conference 20/20 in Boston. I plan to sing You’ll Never Walk Alone during our Shabbat morning service because like Jacob, we can find God in darkness. Here is a moving version of You’ll Never Walk Alone sung by Barbra Streisand (click here). 

We are getting super excited about the concert next week at Temple Israel. Can’t wait to see you there. Shabbat Shalom!


November 28 - The Way We Were by Alan Bergman, Marilyn Bergman, and Marvin Hamlisch (performed by Cantor Magda Fishman)

Happy Thanksgiving! This week on Shira with Shira we are featuring Cantor Magda Fishman, our guest artist for One Night Only: Kavanah- The Heart & Soul of Barbara Streisand. Click here to listen here to her performance of The Way We Were.

We are so thrilled by the momentum of interest and support leading to our December 15 Temple Israel concert. It is truly special for me as I, along with my dear friend and colleague, Cantor Magda Fishman, will feature the music of Barbra Streisand. Both Cantor Fishman and I grew up learning from the style, interpretation and kavanah (spirit) of this American icon, and we can’t wait to kick off the winter season with this exciting performance.

Magda Fishman has performed on stages all over the world impressing and enchanting audiences everywhere with her unique singing ability, musical diversity,
and soulful trumpet playing. Magda started her musical training at the age of 10 and was recognized early on for her extraordinary talent. She recently became the Senior Cantor of B’nai Torah, in Boca Raton. Cantor Fishman served as the Cantor of Temple Beth El in Stamford, CT for five years. She received her Cantorial and Sacred Music degree from JTS. Upon coming to the US from Israel, Cantor Fishman studied contemporary and classical music at the Manhattan School of Music, and acting at
The Tisch School of the Arts at NYU and The William Esper Studio for professional acting.

Cantor Magda Fishman writes, “My wish for all of you is to always sing a new song to
G-d, and to this world. May each day be a new song, and may we continue for years and generations to come to appreciate the music of our rich culture and tradition.”

So come and listen! Come and join in song! Bring your family, neighbors, and friends - the door is open for all. From all places and all cultures, music truly unites us.

*If you are interested in attending One Night Only: Kavanah - The Heart & Soul of Barbra Streisand, and have not yet purchased your tickets, please click here.


November 21 - Mi Shebeirakh by Oran Eldor and Shira Lissek

Jewish Tradition has long recognized that, at times of illness and struggle, the body and spirit need healing together.  This healing is tied to the search for wholeness- for Shleimut. Wholeness is closely related to the hope which empowers us to do what must be done in order that our body(our guf) and our soul (our nefesh) can both heal. Negative thoughts and feelings can poison our body, mind, and spirit. We must seek the way to purge that which is not healthy or helpful.”  This is an excerpt from the healing service (click here) that will take place this Shabbat. Please join me in the Mindy Ellen Levine Chapel at 9 a.m. on Saturday, November 23, where we will weave together prayer, poetry, and music. All are welcome with prayers for your own healing or prayers for a loved one and the world entire.  See you there.


November 14 - JPOD Charlotte

This week I sat down with Emily Russell of JPOD Charlotte to share my story and details about our upcoming event ONE NIGHT ONLY - Kavanah: The Heart & Soul of Barbra Streisand.  To listen to the JPOD interview,  click here. Thank you to all who have let me know how excited you are about the concert.  I can’t wait to be with you there!


November 7 - L’cha Lach by Debbie Friedman

What’s your Lech L’cha moment?  In Parashat Lech Lecha, God tells Abraham to go forth and be a blessing. Going forth into the unknown can be frightening. We all have a defining moment when we are called to go forth toward our destiny.  This is a life changing moment.  What was yours?  Is it now?  Be brave!  Go forth!  Be a blessing!
To listen to L’cha Lach, click here.


October 31 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Harold Arlen 

In Parshat Noah, God Says to Noah and his family “When I bring clouds over the earth, and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember My covenant between Me and you, and every living creature on earth, so that the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy the world.  That,” God said to Noah, “shall be the sign of the covenant that I have established between Me and all living creatures of every kind on earth.” The Rainbow is a sign of the covenant and a sign of hope.  When clouds are gray, when it’s raining, the sun can peer through and a rainbow appears. Today in Charlotte it’s raining off and on with moments of Sunshine.  If you see a Rainbow say this blessing:


בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יהוה אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶך הָעולָם זוכֵר הַבְּרִית וְנֶאֱמָן בִּבְרִיתו וְקַיָּם בְּמַאֲמָרו.

Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, zocher habrit v’ne’eman biv’reetoh v’kayam b’ma’amarav.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who remembers the covenant, and is faithful to His covenant, and keeps His promise.

To listen to this week's featured song, please click here.


October 24 - Oseh Shalom by Ochs

This week on Shira with Shira our featured song is Oseh Shalom by Ochs.  It’s a TIRS favorite settings of Oseh Shalom that our 7th grade will lead Friday night at Temple Israel.  Enjoy (click here)!  Join us 6:15 p.m. at Temple Israel to hear it live!  

October 17 - Turn! Turn! Turn! by Pete Seeger

Why do we read Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) on Sukkot? The book, attributed to King Solomon, struggles with the meaning of life in light of death.  Our Tradition teaches us to cherish the moments of life. In the Sukkah with our doors wide open to all of the blessings of life, we welcome in guests and are present in the moment celebrating, and rejoicing in the Holiday of Sukkot. In these days of Sukkot I invite you to find the intrinsic value of the present. In the spirit of the season, please click here. See you in the Sukkah!


October 3 - Avinu Malkeinu by Oran Eldor

As we head into Yom Kippur I want to share with you a new setting of Avinu Malkenu by Oran Eldor (click here).  You’ll hear this setting over the holidays so please familiarize yourself with the melody. Wishing you all a G’mat Chatima Tova and Shana Tova U’metuka!


September 26 - Sh’ma Koleinu (Hear our Voice) by Beth Styles

Hear our voice, God, have compassion on us and accept with compassion and favor our prayers.


Of all the needs we have as human beings one of our deepest needs is the need to be heard.  On the High Holidays, starting Sunday night, we will spend a lot of time in the Sanctuary praying to God for a sweet new year. We literally will be praying Shma Koleinu, Hear our voices! Our tradition teaches us the power of coming together in community in prayer. Our collective prayers can be heard and have the potential to effectively in transform us. This is the setting of Sh’ma Koleinu you will hear over the holidays.  


Familiarize yourself with the words and melody ( click here). See you in the Sanctuary!


L’Shana Tova U’Metuaka!


September 19 - Avinu Malkeinu by Max Janowski

During High Holiday services, that are now days away, we engage in a very personal conversation with G-d.  We reach beyond the words on the page to encounter the divine and pray.  We ask G-d to inscribe us in the book of life and for a good year.  

This month (and particularly this week) we are in the midst of saying Selichot, and doing T’shuva; asking for forgiveness and asking to return to our source and ourselves.  

To prepare yourself spiritually for the holidays, I invite you to join Rabbi Siegel and
me at Temple Israel for Selichot this Saturday night (9/21) where you will hear this beautiful setting of Avinu Malkeinu by Max Janowski, and Tuesday night for Knocking at Our Hearts, a class led by Rabbi Kornsgold and myself.  Click here to hear Max Janowski's Avinu Malkeinu.

L’Shana Tova - Wishing you all a sweet new year!

September 12 - Kaddish by Maurice Ravel 

This Shira with Shira I share with you Kaddish by Maurice Ravel that I offered as a Memorial Prayer for the FDNY 9-11 Memorial Service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. We remember and honor those lost and those who ran towards the danger to save as many lives as possible. Thank you to Rabbi Joseph Potasnik for being a bridge builder. I’ll never forget the outpouring of love and support that brought us all together. May we continue to find paths toward each other and let these tragedies help us build a better world.  Click here to view the video.

September 5 -   Return Again/Hashiveinu

WAKE UP!!! This week's installation of Shira with Shira reminds us that Rosh Hashanah is upon us and it's a time to wake up and prepare ourselves for the new year.   We are asked to take stock and reflect on  our actions, Cheshbon Hanefesh, an accounting of the soul, and return to our best selves. We hope you enjoy our version of Hashiveinu/ Return Again. Click here to view this week's video.


August 29 - Bluegrass Shabbat by Matt Check and Cantor Lissek

This week we bring you the Bluegrass Kabbalat Shabbat Suite from "The Bluegrass Shabbat Experience" by Matt Check. Six years ago, I had the privilege of collaborating with Matt Check and his groovy Bluegrass band for Shabbat services. What developed was as a wonderful merging of Bluegrass and Shabbat melodies.  Click here to hear the Bluegrass Kabbalat Shabbat Suite.

Kol hanshama t’hallel yah, halleluyah!- Let every breath be praise of God; praise God, halleluyah!


August 22 - Or Zarua by Rick Recht 

As we announce the new month of Elul, we think about what it means to reflect and reignite our light within. Or Zarua latzadik, Light is sown for the righteous, and Joy for the upright at heart. We are reminded of our potential to be righteous and merit the happiness that accompanies this stature. The divine light sown within each and every one of us can grow and develop into unbounded joy. Click here to listen!

August 8 -  Ani Maamin, I Believe by Beth Stiles

I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah, and, though he tarry, I will wait daily for his coming. Oh I, I do believe with all my heart I believe in everlasting peace, I believe.

Ani ma'amin b'emunah sh'leimah b'viat hamashiach, v'af al pi sh'yitmameah, im kol zeh achakeh lo b'chol yom sheyavo.

אֲנִי מַאֲמִין בֶּאֱמוּנָה שְׁלֵמָה בְּבִיאַת הַמָּשִֽׁיחַ, וְאַף עַל פִּי 

שֶׁיִּתְמַהְמֵֽהַּ, עִם כָּל זֶה אֲחַכֶּה לּוֹ בְּכָל יוֹם שֶׁיָּבוֹא.

This week as we head in to Tisha B’Av I offer you a moving setting of Ani Maamin, I Believe by Beth Styles. Join us Saturday night at 9:15pm for a round table discussion with Rabbi Howard Siegel followed by Eicha reading. Click here to listen!


July 25 -  Birkat Hachodesh by Cantor Meir Finkelstein

This week we offer Birkat Hachodesh by Cantor Meir Finkelstein (click here) because this Shabbat we will recite the blessing of the new month of Av. The Babylonian Talmud, Taanit 29a, states that "when we enter the month of Av, our joy is diminished". This is because the darkest events in Jewish history occurred during the first week and a half of this month, particularly The Nine Days which culminate in Tisha B'Av, the 9th of Av.

It is also referred to as “Menachem Av.”  “Menachem” means “consoler,” and “Av” means “father.” Due to the tragic events that occurred during this month, its name reminds us that God is there to comfort us in times of tragedy.  There is a minor and largely unknown holiday during the full moon of the month called Tu B'Av which was, in ancient times, one of the happiest days of the year. Some call it the Jewish Valentine’s Day. 

July 18 - Ma Tovu by Jeff Klepper

מַה-טֹּבוּ אֹהָלֶיךָ, יַעֲקֹב; מִשְׁכְּנֹתֶיךָ, יִשְׂרָאֵל.

וַאֲנִי--בְּרֹב חַסְדְּךָ, אָבוֹא בֵיתֶךָ; אֶשְׁתַּחֲוֶה אֶל-הֵיכַל-קָדְשְׁךָ, בְּיִרְאָתֶךָ.

How good are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel!
As for me, through Your abundant grace, I enter your house to worship with awe in
Your sacred place.


This week in Parshat Balak we find the source of our prayer, Ma Tovu, that we use to prepare for prayer on Shabbat mornings.  The blessing of Ma Tovu was given to us by Balaam in Numbers 24:5,  The circumstances are peculiar.  Balaam was actually sent to curse the Israelites.   Instead overcome with awe atGod and the Israelites' houses of worship, this blessing comes out instead of a curse. The remainder of the text is derived from passages in Psalms relating to entering the house of worship and preparation for further prayer.  Please enjoy and learn this uplifting setting by Jeff Klepper.


Click on the image below to watch the full video or view on our YouTube Channel!



May 30 - Chatzi Kaddish

This week we have a very special Shira with Shira, featuring Rabbi Murray Ezring's children Cantor Gil Ezring and Aviva Ezring. This duet is an original arrangement of the Chatzi Kaddish that Gil and Aviva will share with our congregation during Friday evening services as part of the Rabbi Murray Ezring Emeritus Celebration Weekend.

We hope you enjoy this video and join us for the festivities!

Click on the image below to watch the full video on our Facebook page!

May 23 - Shalom Aleichem by Debbie Friedman (z''l).

This week's Shira with Shira features Shalom Aleichem by Debbie Friedman (z''l). In Parashat B'har we learn to give everyone the freedom of a rest day, Sabbatical and Jubilee. All human beings have the right to the freedom that comes from rest.

Click the link and listen:


May 16 - Emet by Josh Warshawsky

For this week's Shira with Shira, we offer you Emet by Josh Warshawsky. It is a meditative piece that we hope will center you, creating a deep and spiritual connection between the mind, body and soul. 

"Truth, you are first. Truth, you are last, and without you there is no kingship, redemption, or salvation."

Josh Warshawsky Music

Click on the image below to watch the full video on our Facebook page!

May 9 - Hatikvah

Happy Birthday, Israel! For this week’s Shira with Shira, we offer you Hatikvah, the national anthem for the state of Israel, 71 years young today.

Click the photo below to watch the video on Facebook:

May 2 - Ani Maamin by Beth Styles

With the recent attacks on our worship spaces and schools, it is more important than ever that each of us do our part to reinforce bridges connecting our neighbors. Today on Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, let us remember the lessons of the past and apply them to the present.

We must remember and never forget what can happen when we are silent and alienate others.

When we come together, our collective good becomes a beacon of hope for all to embrace. We must build each other up, not tear each other apart. We are more powerful together.

This week’s Shira with Shira is a recording of the song Ani Maamin, I Believe with All My Heart, that comes from my album Ani Maamin: A Voice for Humanity. It serves as a prayerful and reflective love poem to the human spirit. As the daughter of a Hidden Child in France during World War II, my family’s story of survival during the Holocaust has shaped my worldview to this day.

The common thread that weaves the beautiful tapestry of our diverse world is that we are all human beings. It is when that fact is forgotten that history repeats it'self.

In the end, dehumanization is what made the Holocaust and other genocides occur. Survivors will not be here forever, and it is our responsibility to share the stories they have been entrusted with us, from generation to generation. Please join us this weekend for the Community Yom HaShoah Commemoration at Temple Israel as we commemorate the lives and heroism of the Jewish people.

Click the link to listen:

* * * * * *
The Blessing of the Yellow Candle | by Ron Adler:

We light this yellow candle to rekindle God's flame,
to shine their light upon the world once again,
to sanctify the memories of the millions of souls,
to honor their prayers and all their lost goals.
We bless their existence by being alive
to light this yellow candle as proof we survived.

Special thanks to the Temple Israel Men's Club for donating the Yellow Candles, available in the Temple Israel Lobby.

April 25 - Eli Eli by Oran Eldor

For our very first Shira with Shira this past July, we shared the following post containing a link to Eli Eli. It is fitting that this weekend we recite Yizkor, a special memorial prayer for the departed and next week we will commemorate the lives lost in the Holocaust. Please pick up a yellow yahrzeit candle in the Temple Israel lobby to remember the lives lost (provided by TI Men's Club). Please join us for the Community Yom HaShoah Commemoration on May 5th at 4pm at Temple Israel.

Blog post from July 2018:

The fast of Tisha B’av is a day of communal mourning on the Jewish calendar and has become a powerful ritual of collective grieving for the brokenness of the world then and now.  Each of us has a role in fixing the brokenness in the world.   It is us who individually can begin to make ripples that contribute to healing our very broken world.  One way is through prayer.  In our song of the week Eli, Eli- Oh G-d my G-d, we pray the words of Hannah Szenes, which translate to “Oh lord my G-d, I pray that these things never end, the sand and the sea, the rush of the waters, the crash of the heavens, the prayer of man.”  Join us for Shabbat and Tisha B’Av services this weekend where you will hear this beautiful setting by Oran Eldor. Click here to listen.

April 18 - Seder Order by Rollin Simmons

For this week's Shira with Shira we bring you a new spin on an old tune! We hope you enjoy! Wishing you and your family a very happy Passover.

Original Song by Rollin Simmons.

A jazzy version of the Passover seder order Lyrics:

Kadesh - we drink the first cup

We wash our hands - Urchatz

Karpas - we dip the vegetables

Break the matzah - Yachatz

Magid - we tell the story

Rochtzah - we wash our hands some more

Motzi Matzah - bless the Matzah

Dip the bitter herbs - Maror

Korech - a yummy sandwich that we eat

Shulchan Orech - oh, doesn’t dinner sound so sweet?

Tzafun’s the afikomen

Barech - We bless after the meal

Hallel - we offer praises

Nirtzah - we finish our whole spiel!


Click the photo below to see this week's video on our new YouTube page!


April 4 - Min Hameitzar by Neshama Carlebach and David Morgan

🎵Shira with Shira this week features a setting of “Min Hameitzar” by Neshama Carlebach and David Morgan. The English translation of this song is “Out of the depths, I call to God, please answer me, then and now.”

🕳 The word Ha-meitzar literally means the constricted space, a narrow blind spot, our own personal Mitzraym (the Hebrew word for Egypt).

💫 According to Rabbi Arthur Green, “when we speak today about “coming out of Egypt” or the liberation we are to seek on Pesach, those “straits” are usually reapplied to our own spiritual situation.

🧘‍♀️ Our “Mitzrayim” is an “Egypt” of the mind or soul from which we need to make the long trek to freedom.”

🙌 On Passover, we recall the feeling of bondage, of narrowness, and we reenact the story of liberation and spiritual expansiveness. “Out of the depths, I call to God, please answer me, then and now.”

We hope you enjoy this week's musical offering:
🎵👉 👈🎵

If you are interested in discussing this topic further and between the ages of 50-70, join the Empty Nesters of TI for Empty Nesters: A Conversation with the Cantor.



March 21 - Purim Celebration! 

For this week's Shira with Shira we are sharing a few great moments from Temple Israel's The Greatest Spiel- Purim Celebration! The prayers and other musical aspects of the holiday shined brightly last night.

To see the entire Shpiel and Megillah reading click the link:

Check out this video on our new YouTube page:

*Watch until the end to see an adorable cameo 


March 14-  For this week's Shira with Shira we offer a taste of this year's Purim festivities: A classic Purim song and a piece from The Greatest Spiel (based on music from The Greatest Showman). We can't wait to see you all next week at The Greatest Spiel- Purim Celebration!!

Click the link below to see the video on our new YouTube page!


March 7 - Women of Temple Israel (WoTI) Shabbat

This week we did a special LIVE edition of Shira with Shira in honor of WoTI Shabbat. Thank to everyone who tuned in, watched and learned the songs. We look forward to singing together on March 29th.

Member of WoTI or looking to share in the ruach? Check out these musical links to learn the special songs the women will be performing:
🎵Shira with Shira Live Song Session- (Facebook) (YouTube)

🎵Sabbath Prayer (with words), Fiddler on the Roof -

🎵Stand Strong (no words), Laurie Akers -


February 28 -  V’shamru by Raymond Goldstein

This week’s parish is called Vayakhel, and in it, God chooses B’tzal’el as the artisan to build the beautiful Mishkan that everyone gave, “from their hearts” to create. Why was he chosen? Because he was a dissident of Hur, who was one of the only people to not construct the golden calf. And Rashi teaches us that there are three types of wisdom that B’tzal’el embodied leading to him being chosen for this task.

They are - Chochma (wisdom), this is the wisdom you learn from your teachers, in school and in higher education - skill. Bitvunah (understanding), what you learn from life experience, from trial and error. Da’at (knowledge), this is a divine knowledge that is the special sauce that only B’tzal’el had. We all have it (that special sauce) that makes us unique.

When we combine our skill that we learn from our teachers, our life experience plus that divine special sauce - that is how we create the most beautiful things.

This week we are offering Raymond Goldstein’s V’shamru - a prayer which draws our attention to creation. Raymond Goldstein embodies all the same wisdom, skill and divine connection as B’tzal’el. Using all of these aspects he is able to create the most exquisite setting of V’shamru.

Click the photo below to view this week's Shira with Shira on our NEW YouTube Page!

February 21 - Oseh Shalom by Elana Jagoda

I returned yesterday from Songleader Boot Camp, a national Jewish leadership conference. While there, I was inspired by the new, young and upcoming faces of the Jewish liturgical music scene.

For this week's Shira with Shira, we are sharing this beautiful Oseh Shalom by Elana Jagoda, who I met at the conference. You may remember this arrangement from this past Fall, when the children's choir performed it at our Kristallnacht Commemoration.

Join us for Shabbat services this week where we will sing this version of Oseh Shalom with families from the Charlotte Jewish Preschool on Friday evening (Torah Tots Shabbat Dinner & Services with CJP) and our youth from Temple Israel Religious School - TIRS on Saturday morning.

If you are interested in getting a glimpse of the magic created at SLBC click the link:

Click the photo below to view the video on Facebook!


February 14 - L'Dor Vador by Josh Nelson

From generation to generation! For this week's Shira with Shira, we share Josh Nelson's L'Dor Vador in honor of all the grandparents and special family members joining us on Shalom Park this week for Charlotte Jewish Preschool's Grandparents' Day 2019! We hope to see you and your family for Shabbat!

Friday evening services @ 6:15 pm
Saturday morning services @ 9:30 am

Click on the photo below to watch this week's video!



February 7

In Field of Dreams they say, “If you build it, they will come.” This week, in Parshat T'rumah we are told, “If you build it, God will come!” God tells Moses to tell the Israelite people to bring gifts of the heart, “Ve'asu li mikdash veshachanti betocham, (Exodus 25:8)”, and “let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.

Through this text, we realize that God isn't contained within any physical space, but rather God is present when we create external and internal holy space within ourselves. How awesome to learn that we have the power to create sacred space in our sanctuary’s and in our souls.

For this week’s Shira with Shira, we share with you The Sanctuary Song. Join us for services where we will sing together and invite God in. Shabbat Shalom!


January 31 - Barchu by Noah Aronson

Did you know that Temple Israel started the World Wide Wrap? We are so proud this Sunday to have a joint service with our rabbinic candidate, our minyan-ares, our holy rollers as I like to call them, and our religious school. One way to prepare ourselves for prayer is by wrapping teffilfin. Another way is through Barchu.

For today’s selection of Shira with Shira we are singing a Barchu written by Noah Aronson that we have been using with the religious school. We love this version because there is both English and Hebrew and it talks about preparing yourself for prayer.

Am I awake?

Am I prepared ?

Are you listening to my prayer?

Can you hear my voice?

Can you understand?

Am I awake?

Am I prepared?

And we sing all of that as we prepare for our community call to prayer: Barchu! Please enjoy this version of Barchu, with a very joyous melody. We hope to see you this week for Shabbat and on Sunday morning for the World Wide Wrap!



January 24 -                       Purim Spiel 2019 - March 20th

"The Greatest Spiel! "

(based on "The Greatest Showman!")

 Whoa________! Do you love to sing? Wear costumes? Dance? Have fun? Calling all singers, dancers, actors, and performers for our 2019 Purim Spiel, taking place Erev Purim- March 20, 2019. There is still time to join the cast. To attend this weekend's rehearsal, Sunday, January 27th from 3 pm-5 pm, RSVP to Cantor Lissek or... just show up! All are welcome. Hope to see you there!

Click the photo to see this week's Shira with Shira!


January 17 -  Shabbat Shirah and MLK Celebration

For this week's Shira with Shira, we are thrilled to share some beautiful musical moments from our Shabbat Shirah and MLK Celebration rehearsal. Please enjoy a small sampling of the song selection we will share with you this weekend (click the photo below).     


January 10 - Happy New Year!

After a brief hiatus, we are back! For this week's   Shira with Shira, I am thrilled to share my interview with USCJ and my go-to Jewish music playlist featuring some of my favorite songs and artists.

"It’s important for people to know that there really is so much Jewish music out there—everything from traditional songs and melodies, to things written as recently as yesterday...

I think some people have certain notions about Jewish music and they may not realize the range of musical settings and styles available to them."

Music does more than just provide entertainment. It helps us to explore our lives in a more meaningful way. Please join us next week for Shabbat Shirah and MLK Celebration ( with special guest Rev Amantha Barbee of Statesville Avenue Presbyterian Church (USA).

Click the photo below to hear Cantor Lissek's Ultimate Music Mix!

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784