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February 4, 2024

Judaic Studies - Today the students revisited the Torah portion for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah and began to generate ideas on what topic they might make the center of their D’var Torah.  We have studied the giving of this talk as one of the duties a Bar/Bat Mitzvah often performs and we discussed how it is another example of taking on the role of a Jewish adult.  Ask your student what ideas they have based on their parasha. We then began viewing a film about someone having their Bar Mitzvah.  Ask your student about Lior and why his having a Bar Mitzvah might be a bit more special than most (this is from the movie we watched).

Join your child, TIRS and Temple Israel for the World Wide Wrap this Sunday morning! 

Hebrew - Students continued their individual work in Mitkadem.  Then, students played “Hang Man” with Vocabulary/ Shorashim/Roots In Milon/Dictionary in Ramah/Level 3 & 4 only

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784