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January 21, 2024

We had a great time in Gan this learning all about Tu B’Shevat or the Birthday of the Trees! Following Tefillah we returned to the classroom where we reviewed our previous lesson on Shabbat and Jewish objects. We then worked on our Hebrew worksheets reviewing the Hebrew Letter Kaf for כיפה or Kippah. We then turned our fun to Tu B’Shevat and started with the book, “Sammy Spider’s First Tu B’Shevat”. Then they made cards for the trees, hung them on the tree, hugged the trees and then danced around singing Yom Huledet Sameach! Before heading back in, the students gathered small sticks and leaves. We looked at pictures of trees in each of the four seasons, and then went to the table to create our own tree incorporating the items found outside. Finally, we ended our lesson with introducing the Hebrew letter “Ayin” for “Tree” or עֵץ.

Since the students have been doing such an incredible job, I wanted to reward them next week with a PJ & Movie Lesson. We will continue our conversation on Tu B’Shevat, and the importance of trees and nature in Judaism, by watching the movie, “The Lorax”. I encourage each child to come to school in their PJs and bring a stuffie.

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784