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October 22, 2023

We had a wonderful class in Gan. We welcomed our new madricha Maia! We started our lesson on the story of Adam & Eve, but also about Adam’s responsibility to name all the animals on the Earth. We read the book, “Adam’s Animals” by Barry L. Schwartz. We then drew our own never before seen animals and had the opportunity to name them. After spending a few minutes outside, running our sillies out, we turned our conversation to the important task that Adam & Eve were given to take care of the Earth. We walked to the Shalom Park Garden and marveled at the various different vegetables, herbs and fruits growing. We imagined what the Garden of Eden must have looked like compared to our own gardens. We then walked back to the school where we painted bird feeders to help take care of the birds in our own yards. Finally, we had our weekly Hebrew lesson, learning about the letter Bet. We practiced writing the letter and learning about words that begin with the letter Bet. 

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784