October 16, 2022
The Bet students learned to read with the Hebrew letter Tav and discovered that they now can read their first Hebrew word - שָׁבַּת – Shabbat. The students practiced reading as a class and also read individually to our madrichot. In Tefillah (prayer), we learned a new prayer from the Friday night service, Yismechu Hashamayim, and continued practicing the prayers that we have previously learned (Romemu and Tzadik Katamar). For Judaic studies, we discussed how we celebrate sukkah as we recall the “booths” that our ancestors lived in for forty years as they traveled from Egypt to the land of Israel. We ate a snack, recited the Shehecheyanu, and shook the lulav and etrog in the Temple Israel sukkah. We also continued our unit on exploring the synagogue by taking a tour of Temple Israel. We visited all the rooms inside Temple Israel, including the sanctuary, chapel, social hall, gift shop, and kitchen-where all the students stepped inside the jumbo refrigerator. Next we will focus on learning about what is inside sanctuaries and chapel, which make them meaningful places to pray.