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Sunday, October 9

The Bet students practiced reading and writing with the Bet, Shin, and AH vowels sounds. The students read words with these letter and vowels aloud as a class and individually to the teacher or madricha. The students completed an activity where they took turns telling the class to find a word on a sheet and label the word with a box, circle, cloud, etc. The students had fun coming up with lots of creative directions. Each week in our class Tefillah (prayer), three students are selected to help as the rabbi (leader), pointer, and flag holder, and then we practice Hebrew tefillot (prayers). This week in Tefillah, we practiced singing the Hatikvah, Tzadik Katamar, Shehecheyanu, and Romemu. In Judaic studies, we began our unit on “Discovering the Synagogue” by discussing how the synagogue is a part of the community. We created a community on the white board with a store, post office, park, school, bank, office, museum etc. and then added a photo of Temple Israel to our community. Each student completed the sentence “I’m going to Temple to …….”. Some of their responses were the following: to learn Hebrew, spend time with friends, celebrate holidays, and meet new people. We ended the day by creating paper chains and decorating card board pictures that will be hung in the Temple Israel sukkah.

Fri, May 17 2024 9 Iyyar 5784