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January 22, 2023

Many thanks to parents that were able to make our Family Education program.  As we move on in our study of the Jewish life cycle it was a pleasure to begin to explore B’nai Mitzvah with you and to focus on one particular aspect of the ceremony–the tallit/tallis.  The large class tallit we created together is a beautiful marking of this community of Judaic scholars and will be present as each of them celebrate their Bar or Bat Mitzvah at Temple Israel.  Yasher Koach also on your tying of tzitzit.  This is a difficult skill and you all approached it enthusiastically and courageously.  I hope you and your child will practice it more and consider tying the tzitzit on their tallit when the time comes.

For parents who were not able to participate on Sunday you are welcome to come into class any day to add your messages of encouragement, hope, and/or support to your child and the community  of the class–or send them along in note form and we will be sure they are added.

Likewise, for students that had to miss today we will be sure their handprint is added to the class tallit as a sign of their membership in the community and we’ll add your messages as well.

In coming weeks we will complete the tallit with the neckband, four corners, and tzitzit–and we look forward to sharing the finished product with you at our Class Shabbat Celebration.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784