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November 12

We had a great time in Gan this week. Following Tefillah we had a fun visit to the Chanukah Boutique. We then returned to the classroom where we began our lesson on Abraham. We started with the book, “Abraham’s Search for God” and discussed how we think and talk about God. We also discussed about some of the wonders in the world. Each child then drew an image of a wonder and shared their picture with the class. After a short recess break, we discussed how God promised to make Abraham and his descendants a blessing. We thought about “I am a blessing when I…” and “I am a blessing because I…”. Finally, we ended the day with our weekly Hebrew lesson. This week, we introduced the Hebrew letter “Yud” and discussed one way to write God in Hebrew is “יהוה”. Students then grabbed their binders and worked  on their “Yud” worksheets.

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784