November 13, 2022
This past week the Gan class learned all about the story of the Tower of Babel. We first read “The Tower of Babel” by A.S. Gadot. We learned about how God became upset when the people tried to build a tower to the sky to rule Heaven. God taught the people a lesson about being humble, by making everyone speak different languages. The students then went outside to build their tower; first they worked together in English, then in silence, and then in babbling languages. We discussed how it was difficult to build a tower when no one could understand what you are saying. We then came back in and paired up. The students were given a fun prompt to act out in front of their classmates by only babbling. The class had to then guess what they thought the skit was about. Next, we journeyed over to the Temple, to learn all about the sanctuary and how the beautiful stained-glass windows tell the story of the Torah. We had fun spotting different images in the glass that we recognized from our Bible stories. Finally, we learned a new Hebrew letter, “Bet” for “Babel”, and worked in our Hebrew binders.