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ROSH HASHANAH DAY 1 (Thursday, October 3) 9:00 AM - Family Service in the Morris & Sylvia Speizman Sanctuary (Geared towards K-5th grade Families) 9:00 AM - Childcare at the LJCC (7 weeks-Pre-K), $10/child (until the conclusion of the main service) 10:15 AM - Youth Programming in the LJCC for K-5th graders
ROSH HASHANAH DAY 2 (Friday, October 4) 9:00 AM - Family Service in the Morris & Sylvia Speizman Sanctuary (Geared towards families with children 2-7) 9:00 AM - Childcare at the LJCC (7 weeks-Pre-K), $10/child (until the conclusion of the main service) 10:15 AM - Youth Programming in the LJCC for K-5th graders KOL NIDRE (Friday, October 11) 7:00 PM (Please be seated by 6:45 PM) - Kol Nidre Service at Temple Israel 6:30 PM - Childcare at Temple Israel (6 months-Grade 2), NO CHARGE
YOM KIPPUR (Saturday, October 12) 9:00 AM - Family Service in the Morris & Sylvia Speizman Sanctuary 9:00 AM - Childcare at the LJCC (7 weeks-Pre-K), $10/child (until the conclusion of the main service) 10:15 AM - Youth Programming in the LJCC for K-5th graders
We are happy to provide Youth Programming for children in K-5th grades for Temple Israel members. Pre-registration is required. Youth Programming begins immediately after Family Services with Naomi and Alan. Children participating in youth programming will sing at the end of services with Cantor Lissek and pick up will be in the Morris & Silvia Speizman Sanctuary immediately following services. Registration Deadline is THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2024. Please register your child's attendance for YOUTH PROGRAMMING below, and/or indicate if you will need CHILDCARE. Questions? Contact or 704-944-6785. Thank you! To register for Sukkot programs, please visit our calendar.