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February 4, 2024

Judaic Studies: In our continuing study of Israel we viewed two  videos about the desert nomadic people–the Bedouin.  Ask your child to describe to you the Bedouin lifestyle. What surprised them?  What do they envy about the lifestyle?  What would they miss from this lifestyle if they were to try and live as the Bedouins?  Have  you have visited Israel and witnessed the Bedouin?  Tell your child about what you saw.


Yasher Koach Dalet Class


Yasher Koach to the class for doing an outstanding job at our class Shabbat on February 2.  They did an outstanding job sharing their learning and leading services.  You will find the poem that the students created for the occasion and read that night below.


Next to each stanza you will find the names of the authors and the readers. Students put so much thought into what they wrote as they reflected on the meaning of Hatikvah to them and to Israel. What great Israel scholars. 

Question - Why is 2004 mentioned as when Hatikvah was “born”?

Answer: The original Hatikavah poem was written in the 1800s by one of the very active Zionists who were fighting for a Jewish homeland.  Later the poem was cut down and set to an old Jewish folk tune.  The Zionists used it as a motivational song in their work to form what became modern day Israel.  It was used, among other songs, in celebration of the newly formed state beginning in 1948 and has been taught as a part of Jewish culture since.

It was not until 2004 though that the State of Israel officially named Hatikvah the National Anthem of Israel.  


Reflections on Hatikvah

                                                          A Poem by the Dalet Class of 5784


Mason            The music is very good

And                 The anthem was born in 2004

Louis              That was called The Hope


Olivia              There is still hope

And                 Cause we believe in our hearts

Noa                 We still have hope in ourselves

People should NOT be enslaved,

They should be able to be themselves


Ashleigh        The Jewish soul sings

And                 Our hope is strong

Emma             It is 2000 years old

Stored in our hearts

So we can be free,

And have freedom

Hope is freedom


Kyla                To be a free person in our land

NO people controlling other people

We wish for free people

In the land of Zion and Jerusalem


Scarlett           After the fights

And                 We did unite

Ellie                We became free

Because of you and me


2000 years and we haven’t lost hope

But that’s because we would never mope

We would keep on singing until we would be free

Israel is now its own country


Miles               For Israel to be free is 

And                 What we’re hoping for

Alex                Our hope is 2000 years old

For Israel to be free


Julian             The anthem was born in 2004

And                 But they had the land for 2000 years

Ryan              The hope that you know as Hatikvah

And it's about freeing the people and the country.


Asher             Hatikvah, meaning the hope

And                 Is about the country Israel

Rami               Freedom of the people

To live in a free country


Everett            Our hope is not yet lost

And                 For peace and freedom

Ezra                Hope is the key 

For the people of Israel follow God like you and me


Avery              As long as within our hearts

The hope is strong and powerful

Our hope is still here

And not lost


Magnolia       East, That’s why it says

As long as forward to the east

Jerusalem we reach

That makes me feel that Jewish hope is not lost


Jack                Our hope shall not be lost

And                 Cause it is 2000 years of age

Judah             Hope is what Hatikvah means

Hope is what we need to believe, together


Lizzy               When I hear Hatikvah

I feel loved and feel

Like I belong here

In my Jewish life


Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784