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February 5, 2023

Judaic Studies:

Thank you to all that were able to make it to our Dalet Class Shabbat on Friday night.  The students all did a fantastic job–wasn’t their poetry amazing?  They are truly displaying their learning about and love for Israel every week.

Today we picked up again our study of the Bedouin people that inhabit the deserts in Israel.  A couple of weeks ago we viewed two videos of their lives and today students used a viewing guide that they completed while watching to shape our discussion of these interesting people.  Some of the points we discussed were–1) the roles of men and women in that society and how they are different from what we see around us, 2) how their daily routines are like and different from ours, 3) what students would like about living that lifestyle, and 4) what they would miss most from their current life were they to live the life of the Bedouins. Ask your child how they answered these and other questions we discussed.  Then ask what they recorded as their two most significant facts about the Bedouin people in Israel.



Students learned the different blessings we say over food and how to read these blessings, some of them contain difficult Hebrew words. The students are doing a great job working on their decoding skills. They also used flashcards to help them learn new Hebrew words.😁

I wish you all a blessed weekend

See you unday 

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784