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Sunday, October 9

JUDAIC STUDIES - Today was a day to prepare for Sukkot.  We made three dimensional paper apples to hang in our Temple sukkah–and some students made one to take home for their family sukkah.  We also read the story Molly’s Pilgrim.  Ask your child about the relationship between Sukkot and the American holiday of Thanksgiving.  Have them tell you how Molly and her mother taught the children in the class that there are many ways to be a pilgrim and talk about the times Jewish people have been pilgrims.

HEBREWStudents learned Sukkot related Hebrew words and practiced writing these words. Then, students played Sukkot Bingo with these Hebrew words while reviewing the concepts and mitzvot associated with Sukkot. Next Sunday, students will begin working in their Mitkadem binders.

Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784