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April 23, 2023

Hello Aleph 1 families!!

Happy Spring.

This week we had music with Alex and learned about the Mezuzah.

We learned that every Jewish home has a mezuzah on their doorpost and that the mezuzah contains the words of the Shema. We know that the mezuzah asks God to keep our homes safe.

We recited the prayer and then made our very own mezuzah!

Have a great week!

Morah Suzanne, Parker and Max


Aleph 2


Today we had a giant review of Hebrew letters through games.  The students used puzzles, blocks, cards and magnetic letters to identify letters learned this year.  They also earned points for saying Hebrew words beginning with the letters called.  We learned about Israel's birthday, which was celebratedf earlier this week and read a book sbout an imaginary trip to Israel stopping ub najor cities all over the country.  

Morah Jen, Parker and Hannah

Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784