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January 29, 2023

Section A

For this week's lesson, our students learned about a Jewish meal. We started the day having a discussion about Jewish foods. The kids had to think of a typically Jewish food and then tell us what holiday or occasion that we normally eat that food. I will send you all a picture of the students responses. 

We read the BJL beginnings pamphlet about a Jewish meal and learned that a Jewish meal begins  and ends with a blessing over bread. We talked about the importance of God  and how God created everything in the creation of bread. We recited the bracha over a challah and then got to enjoy it!

We watched a cute video of children eating typical Jewish foods including lox, babka and brisket!

In Hebrew, Parker taught the students the letter Aleph which does not make a sound. He also reviewed previous letters taught. 

Next Sunday, February 5th, whichever class has the most parents attend Shira/Tefillah (and then the PTO meeting) will get a special snack. Hopefully our Aleph class can be the winner! 

See  you Sunday! 

Morah Suzanne, Parker and Max


Section B

Hi families,

This week we continued our discussion of mitzvot and tzedakah. Everyone was very excited to do the art project that went along with our lesson and will be bringing home their beautifully painted tzedakah boxes next week. We also read the book Bagels from Benny to further explore the different ways we can do mitzvot and to loop into our previous lesson about how we’re partners with God. In Hebrew, the students reviewed previously learned letters using a movement game to help them remember the sounds each letter makes. 

Have a good week!

Morah Jen, Hannah, and Parker

Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784