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January 8, 2023

Section A –

Hello families! Happy New Year! 

Although Parker and I were not there in class, the awesome Denise Abadi subbed for our class and she said the kids were great!

The lesson for the day was about mitzvot. - What is a mitzvah- the children gave examples of what they do that is considered a mitzvah. They talked about things they should do and things they should not do. 

They read the book - Its a, Its a, It's a mitzvah. and discussed the biblical story of Abraham and Sarah and how Sarah did the mitzvah of welcoming guests. They reviewed Hebrew letters and Alex, our new music teacher, taught them Od yavo Shalom. Check out the post on the FB TIRS group to see the video of them singing. 

Remember that next week there is no TIRS.  Looking forward to seeing you all on January 22.


Section B -

Hi parents,

It was great to be back and see everyone after our break! I went to Israel over the vacation and brought back some Israeli snacks for the students to taste. The snacks weren’t universally loved but I was very proud of them all for trying new things (Bamba Metuka/ sweet bamba, Falafel flavored bissli, and halva). Next we had a very special music class followed by Hebrew review.  Check out the post on the FB TIRS group to see the video of them singing. The students took turns identifying Hebrew letters, saying their sounds, and writing them on the write board. Last we had a discussion about the Chumash and reviewed the stories in the first book via discussion and an art project that will continue throughout the year.

Have a great week!! Reminder – no school on Sunday, January 15.

Morah Jen and Ava

Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784